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Alexa's POV

I finally got off of Dallas as we were both getting tired.

We both caught our breaths and laid next to each other looking at the ceiling.

"Well, goddamn, Alexa." We both looked at each other at the same time.

I let out a breathy laugh. "What?" I asked.

He looked up and then turned to me. "Was that your first time?" He asked.

I laughed and sat up. "Was it that bad?" I pulled the sheets over my chest.

"No! No, not like that. I'm just curious."

"Ya thinkin' I got some kinda disease?" I was still kinda teasing him.

"Man, can't a guy just be a little curious about the girl he just put his dick in?"

I shot him a glare with a grin.

He put his hands up in surrender and leaned back on the pillows.

I rolled my eyes playfully and got out of bed.

"Just lay down. Relax for a minute."

"Johnny's gonna be here soon and I can't get the door without clothes on. We can lay down in a second. I recommend you do the same."

He groaned and got up to get dressed.

I put my pajamas on and Dallas put his jeans on. We both laid back down.

I lit a cig and put my lighter back on my nightstand. I puffed out some smoke and looked at Dally.

"Uh, to answer your question, that was not my first time." He didn't say anything. "Am I allowed to know how many times you've giving something like this a go before me?"

He didn't say anything for a second. "Once." He finally said.

"Really? With who?"

"You first."

"I guess this is technically my third time..."

"Who were they?"

I sighed. "Dane."

"Dane? Football Dane?"

"That's the one..."


"And Charlie Macintosh."


"Yeah, yeah, I know."

"Dane was the first?"


"You two seem like opposites."

"We are." I said plainly. "We were both a little tipsy. We went back to his place and just went from there. I lied and said it wasn't my first time and he still doesn't know that it was. He and I are good. We're friends. But I'd rather not boost his ego with that information."

"What about Charlie?"

I pretended to gag. "God, that was a dumb decision on my part. We were just trying to get our biology project done and he was pushy about it. I felt obligated to go with it."

"Fuck. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I said yes. It's just regretful."

"That fat pig. I'd beat his ass-"

"Alright, alright. So who was yours?" I said with a lighthearted tone.

"You wouldn't know her. Name's Sylvia. She's in Tulsa. I guess we had a thing for a little bit. First time I tried to give it a real go she two-timed me while I was in the cooler."

"Damn. That's shitty."

"You're tellin' me. I wasn't too hurt, thought. Guess I wasn't too attached to care."

"Still sucks. Doesn't feel good." I paused for a minute. "I've never had a real relationship. Never thought there was a point, I guess. I had bigger things to focus on in my life. Couldn't commit."

"You've had guys swooning over ya for years now. You know how many guys would give their left arm for a date with you?"

"Yeah, I've heard. I'm waiting for someone right to give that kinda attention to, though."

It was silent for a moment. Dallas spoke up. "Y'know, I never did get to ask, did your dad like the dance?"

I sighed. "He didn't show." I paused for a moment. "But I really appreciate you trying. It meant a lot."

"Well, we got something good out of it."

I heard a knock at the door. "That must be Johnny and Marina."

We walked out of my room and Dallas came up next to me. "Wait, is there lipstick on my face?"

I looked quickly and wiped the red off his lip. "You're good." I said with a grin. He knocked again. "I'm coming!"

I unlocked the door and the two were standing there. "Hey, Lex." Marina said.

"Hi, guys." I said with a smile.

"I had fun tonight. I'll see ya before you leave, right?"

"How about I take you to the dance tomorrow?"

She grinned. "It's a date. Bye, Johnny. Bye guys!" She yelled to me and Dally. I waved as Johnny shut the door.

Johnny slumped next to Dallas on the couch. I locked the door and got a cup of water from the kitchen.

"When are you guys leaving?" I asked out of curiosity.

Johnny looked at Dallas. "Train leaves Sunday night."

I frowned. Thankfully, they were entertained by the TV and not at me. I didn't say anything. I can't believe they were leaving so soon.

"Well, I guess imma head to bed. You guys okay on the couch?"

"We'll be alright." Johnny said getting up and coming to the kitchen with me.

"We might head back to my place later. My dad ain't gonna be there much longer." Dallas said from the couch.

This time it was easy to see my disappointment.

"You okay?" Johnny mouthed.

I nodded, even though I was a bit sad. "Well, be careful walking home."

I went to my room and closed the door behind me. I sunk to the floor and let the tears leave my eyes. I had to cover my mouth so the guys didn't hear me.

I eventually made it to my bed and I heard my front door shut.

I got up and locked it behind them.

God, what just happened?

I could barely sleep at all.

My mind was awake.

They weren't right about Dallas. He wasn't some guy who slept around.

But why did the way he make me feel seem so accurate to what everyone said would happen?

I'm so naive for thinking this was gonna go anywhere.

He's leaving Sunday night.

I knew he was leaving, too.

It's time I get over my delusion.

I had a life without him before and I'll have a life without him again.

But these past two weeks... it made me feel like I've known him for years. I mean, I guess I have. But I mean truly know him. Like we've been friends forever.

And I'm about to lose all of that.

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