3. Ishani

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When I look at the enormous towers of IMU , my jaw hits the floor. It is spread on the biggest piece of land in all three universities and while the DEU has a more aristocratic ,royal theme to it and BHU gives you a more Gothic feel but IMU is the most modernized and progressive. They have all upgraded technologies and high-tech education . Maybe the university is ultra-modern and futuristic because it is a new-born in education industry of our country .

The one with oldest and richest history is DEU owned by our country's next prime minister and BHU was built by my dad and some of his partners like Archit's dad . I've known their family since I was a kid . Archit and Zain have two sisters Aliza and Jannat and I've heard they both will be studying here only .

"Waaao isn't this amazing"Inayat speaks as we walk away from the car .

The huge towers of the university are covered with black glass like they are some mafia buildings and even when it gives a beautiful look but it's intimidating too .
Students dressed in vibrant colours and various styles of outfits are walking here and there.

"No matter how amazing it looks from the outside , it is Rotten on the inside " Crystal mumbles.

"I'll submit your documents " archit speaks and inayat hands him both our files . Although the admission proceeding have to be done a few months prior and Zain took care of those , now we've to just submit a shit loads of money along with our documents.

When we walk through a large glass door and pass through a hall , crystal directs us to the backdoor which is the same as the entrance door of this reception building . There is an entire building for inquiry.

As soon as we step foot in the next ground which is enclosed by four enormous buildings , my eyes land at a giant digital billboard which has a photo of a certain someone on it .
In the pic , he looks breathtaking and that's the reason so many girls are standing under the board and even in the windows of their classes to gape at it .

He has black prada glasses sliding down to his nose making half of his dark black eyes visible . His gaze makes my blood run cold , even in that photo it seems like he is staring at me with that death glare. The pic is a side profile making it look even more striking. If you talk about looks he's a hundred on ten but if you talk about personality, he has a Rotten heart or maybe he doesn't even have a heart so I'll give him a zero on ten for that .

"Ohh my God, why does he have to be that sexy " a girl speaks loud enough for everyone to hear while the other one adds "Stop tormenting us kiaan "

Suddenly another one struts towards the group and declares "he is out of all of our leagues but we can definitely try on Ivaan "

"Ivaan will totally make you his sister "they chuckle .

"Crystal " one of them whispers as we walk past them "Do you think ivaan called her ? "
"Isn't that BHU's princess with her ?"

"What is kiaan's sister doing with rivals, even a girl from DEU is with them "
"They stay together, don't you know?"

Crystal rolls her eyes ignoring all the comments but suddenly a guy yells from the first floor "He is coming "

And just then it feels like there is an earthquake or something when students start panicking and running from here to there . When I look carefully I find that all of them are going towards the open-air auditorium that crystal was talking about . The auditorium has a circular stage at the center to which a few stairs lead .

It is surrounded by vast open area and at the very last corners there is the sitting area for thousands of students like there is in a stadium .

"Let's go " Crystal grabs my arm but I voice "I don't think this is a good idea "

"Shut up ishani " she speaks as the students leave space for crystal as soon as she steps a foot in the stadium, she takes us to the top most balcony area .

"He's here. Just don't say a single word " Crystal whispers and a shiver runs down my spine . How am I supposed to spend three years at a place like this ?

Suddenly a few guys dressed in all black take positions around the auditorium.

"This is for his security, any of rivals can attack him anywhere " Crystal voices as I feel a strange thing inside my stomach.

"I don't want to be here " I voice and inayat holds my hand with a smile .

"Shh---don't speak ishu , I don't want them to pick a target on you "

A shivers runs down my body and I'm seriously going to forget that I have the ability to speak .

Two handsome guys stand at the entrance of the auditorium, one is Ivaan Raghuvanshi, kiaan's elder brother and the other one is I think Anish Barot , his best friend. I've heard Zain talking about him once .

As they step inside , then my eyes land at a man walking a few step behind but in the center of both of them . He is dressed in a black overcoat reaching to his knees and a black hoodie under it . The hood covers his hair and I can't clearly see his face because he is looking at the ground as he struts inside . His all black outfit makes him even more intimidating and formidable.

The whole crowd of students stands up when he walks inside . Their eyes are fixed at the ground and hands joined at the back. So I try to copy them .

When kiaan reaches to the center of the ground he raises his head finally giving a clear view of his flawless face . His hair cover his forhead and his dark daunting eyes scan the entire auditorium . I hide myself behind inayat because he definitely hates me .

"Ohh my sexy slayer "A girl from behind me whispers.

"Just look at me once , I'd never forget this day "

"He won't stop daydreaming Amya "

"He will "

Crystal turns around and yells very loud "shut the fuck up"
Instantly all thousands of eyes focus at us , including those dark orbs . I hide myself behind inayat but her height is less than me . Why did I have to tie my damn hair??? I could hide my face ! When I look at him, his eyes are fixed at me . But why ?

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