16. Ishani

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I know I'm a very hopeless romantic girl and I've always wanted someone to propose me Romantically but not him . No ways him .
Was he even asking me out?
Be my girlfriend dimwit !

"Urghhh " I grumble walking towards the inner campus .

"Ishani wait" inayat calls and I stop near the digital billboard. Students have started coming inside already .

Suddenly a video plays on the billboard.

"If anyone convives her for me , you'd get a free pass in our club" he speaks in the video making me roll my eyes . The students gape at me .

"And you dimwit , I'll change that no into a yes . See me at the glass bridge at 5 . Make sure to show up for our first date "

"Crazy guy " inayat chuckles.

"I'm so gonna kill him at the glass bridge today " I storm away while students keep gaping at me.

All my lectures end at 4 and I check the group chat while me and inayat reach the apartment we live in now . It's not too far away from the campus so we're good driving by ourselves. Someone mentioned me in the chat .

Inu: breaking news .

Zara: did Zain call you ?

Inu: nope .

Crysie: then ?

Inu: sorry [Princess_Ishu__Solanki] but I can't hide it anymore .

Inu: Hold your breaths guys .

Kai: is it something really big?

Inu: kiaan asked ishani out today in front of the whole freaking university.

Zara: what the fuck?

Crysie: what the fuck?

Kai: what the fuck ?

Shru: what the fuck ?

Ishani: exactly, what the fucking fuck ?

Zara: don't tell me you rejected him instantly !

Inu: she did .

Crysie: are you still alive ishu ?

Ishani: what am I supposed to wear on a date ?

Shru: someone kill me already . Please .

Zara: wait , kiaan and date? how absurd .

Ishani: I'm going there to tell him to stay away from me but we should be dressed according to the occasion right ?

Kai: I don't believe her .

Crysie: bullet proof jacket .

Inu: *laughing loud emogi*

Kai: ishu , I know he's sexy as hell but he's a mafia monster. He literally kills in cold blood . Stay the fuck away.

Crysie: he'll not even blink before that .

I shut my phone and throw it away . The time is 6pm . Urghhh. Let's go ishu. From my closet I pick a sky cloured top . He Hates that colour right?

Now he definitely will change the colour of his car.

I pair it with denim shorts and white sneakers .
No matter how annoyed I am because of all this but I'm not gonna go out looking a little less cute .

I take a bus for the city bridge and reach there at 7 pm. He must have left and just as expected when I stroll on the glass bridge there is noone here .

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