14. Ishani

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I'm a mess , but a cute one . You know, life can not always be beautiful. Bad days and bad people are a part of it . We have to keep fighting , keep going . Which brings me back to the campus . I stand under the digital billboard where Two dark orbs drill holes in my body . What was all that about? He hates me right ? It can't be a coincidence that he was able to find an exact copy of my butterfly pendant . Even I couldn't find anything like this ever.

The billboard for today says IMU'S Grand Prestige Ceremony . Welcome to the cruise .

"Are you back already ?" Someone voices and I instantly turn around to find inayat .

"You know how worried I was, I firstly wanted to come to the hospital but kavish said you came back to the campus " she hugs me  .

"I'm fine inu " I smile .

My phone vibrates and I check the text I just received.

Mr Monster : are you alright dimwit ?

Ishani : apse Matlab ?

Inayat looks at my phone and chuckles.

"Aap and all huh ? " She laughs .

"Sarcasm " I smile .

Mr Monster: matlab to apse hame bohot hai ji .Chup chap jwab dedo nhi toh acha nhi hoga .

She bursts out laughing this time . You both are seriously cute .

"Who both " Aliza struts towards us with her minions.

"You've apologized enough already Aliza " I smile " no need to bother now "

"Hmm---I see you have the nerve to make me angry everytime ishu " She mocks and her eyes land at my pendant .

No please .

"You still carry that crap" she chuckles ."Here, give it to me"

"Not even in your dreams " I tilt my head to the side but she grabs the strap of my bag yanking me close .

" I.said.give.it.to.me" she glares .

"And I said fuck off " I push her away and she falls on the ground as her minions gasp.

"What the fuck" amya growls .

Aliza gets up and raises her hand to slap me but inayat stands in front of me facing her .

"She said fuck off "

"Get out of my way Inayat Goenka or I'll kill you today " aliza snarls .

This time the girls hold her and take her away . I don't know why inayat is suffering because of me .
Aliza now grabs my pendant in her fist .

"I'LL KILL YOU IF IT BREAKS, LEAVE ME " I scream and all the students leave their classes to see what's going on .

"She yanks it away as I feel sharp pain at the back of my neck . As if the chain cut me .

"I'll throw it away for you " she speaks and all of a sudden the weather literally changes . Strong winds blow in all directions blocking my vision .
I press my dress as aliza covers her eyes with her forearm. Someone grabs her arm and my eyes meet pretty Grey eyes .

"You won't  stop stooping so low. Would you?" He questions and aliza's face turns pale.

"Urgh--not you again" she twists her wrist to free it from him .

The winds slow down and dust settles but not his rage . He keeps looking at her with fury .

"There is a limit to which I can conceal my anger " he twists her wrist and she yelps in pain as the pendant falls down . He squats to pick it up and rubs it on his jacket to clean it . Thank god my pendant is safe . He strolls closer to her and pins her to a pillar after grabing her throat .

"An-ish " she tries to voice as he glares .

"If any motherfucker dares to touch this girl over here ever again , I'll rip you apart" he declares and a shiver runs down my spine.

"Anish let her go " I step closer but he doesn't let go untill aliza speaks up .
"I'm kiaan's girlfriend "

I freeze on my place as anish furrows his brows . 
"Stop talking shit"

"You can ask him, he won't like if you hurt his girl "

Anish tilts his head to the side and lets her go . He then strolls towards me and holds my wrist mumbling "can't believe that fucker "

We reach an empty classroom and he somehow mends the twisted lock of my pendant .

"Don't loose it again, no matter who tries to snatch it away " he speaks and I nod with a smile .

"I won't ever " I take it from him and put it back on.

"How are you feeling now "

"I'm okay " I give an awkward and forced smile .

"Thank you for everything "I speak and he places a palm on my head shaking it.
I laugh as he looks at me with a smile .

"Sometimes it is possible that we loose a part of ourselves while moving ahead in our lives so It becomes mandatory to look back, to see what we forgot" he gets up and a bell rings in my head.

"We can't move ahead untill we have all parts of us together " I smile and he nods .

"Please look back "

"I want my memories " I nod and dial a call to aunt amrita .

"Are you alright ishu?"

"I'm not gonna take the meds , I want to know it all . A part of me is missing "

She agrees to it and tells me to be extra careful . Anish also heads out while I find my way to the cafeteria but suddenly while passing by a classroom, I hear

"What the fuck are you doing , you were supposed to keep him away from ishani . Do you want me to chop your head off ?" Someone growls .

"I- I t-tried"

"Don't just try make it happen you fucking useless piece of shit "

Who the hell is there . I slowly open the door and to my shock there is noone inside .

"Who were they " I voice and head to the cafeteria.

A lot of things are going on around me but I'm not even able to put anything together.

When I reach IMU's restaurant style Cafe,  I stroll towards inayat and take a seat near her .

"Anish helps you so much " she voices and someone places a menu in front of me before walking away .

I open it to find a special healthy menu which consists of salads and juices .

"When did they -- "

"I heard kiaan changed the complete menu , there were some additions to it " the girl on next table voices .

"Why would he do it " I mumble closing the card.


apse Matlab ?
( what's your business in that?)

matlab to apse hame bohot hai ji .Chup chap jwab dedo nhi toh acha nhi hoga .
(I have a lot of business in your matters . Quiety answer me or it will not be good )

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