18. Kiaan

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I look at her pretty face as the swing goes backwards and forwards .

"What if I fall in the river and the fishes feel I'm much cuter than them all, they'll fight like Aliza "

I burst out laughing "silly "

"Hey , grumpy don't call me that " she pouts .

"Silly , you are unbelievable"

"Don't you dare call me that" she climbs down the swing adjusting her lavender coloured dress .

" I will " I stroll closer

"Don't you !!! " all of a sudden she sprints in my direction and I run away .

"I will silly ." I yell as we run back towards the building.

"I will kill you "she screams making me chuckle.


They all gape at me as if I'm some kind of an alien . Most of all my sister whose face has turned pale and she's hiding in a corner while a certain fucker tries to calm her down.

There was a day when she witnessed the monster inside me , she was only twelve that time . Untill now she trembles on my name . Most of the people do .

"What the fuck are you doing here " archit is the one who growls.

"are you feeling well hunter ? I thought I had almost finished you " I smirk and he cleches his jaw .

"Because you kidnapped zara . That's your style Satan's Heir ? Picking on girls ? " shivay chuckles.

I step closer to him with hands in my pockets "it's not my fault if you assholes don't have balls to protect your girls "

"I'm so gonna kill him today" archit growls walking my way but his girlfriend holds his arm .

"When I plan on killing you I won't give a warning like that " I fold sleeves of my white sweatshirt.

"Protecting your girl huh? " Devansh intervenes " you see , it will be interesting now that you have a weakness too " his gaze bounces from me to butterfly who steps out of her room with a bag .

"Any day , feel free to give a try " I throw my arm over her shoulder " if you are adventurous enough to witness hell unleashing upon you because you see, I kill with no remorse "

Kavish keeps glaring at me and then at ishani before he speaks "if you ever hurt my sister, I swear I'm--"

"Been there done that , don't worry and don't irritate me " I put my shades on and take the bag from her when we both strut out of the damn matchbox .

"Stop being so arrogant " she speaks .

"Okay miss dimwit but they started it first "

She rolls her eyes and she surely is the cutest thing Walking on earth. Does she even know that ?

When we reach at the port, my eyes find anish and ivaan .

"Stand near the car , I'll be right back " I tell her and she nods .

"Did you find him " I question and they shake their heads . Apparently someone from our team has been trying to hack the system .

"I'll find the motherfucker and kill him soon" I speak and ivaan walks away .

"Did you tell her everything?" Anish questions looking at my butterfly standing near the car . I shake my head in response .

"you are not a hopeless punk kiaan , just go and tell her everything. Tell her to come back . You've been searching every corner of earth for her and when she's finally here , you won't tell her the truth ?"

I've thought about it a lot , I have and my decision is firm. At first I was really infuriated when I saw her at the race track . I was so vexed that she just threw me out of her life and forgot all her promises . She wiped me from her mind like I was nothing but when I saw closer I knew there was something off . Now, I come to realize that everything is off . She's no longer my silly because some motherfucker killed the love of my life from inside her .
Now she's a shallow , empty , breathing but not alive girl .

Either I fight for it with all I have knowing that I don't loose ever but I might loose her which I can't afford at all . Either I let her be or I turn selfish and

" I can't be selfish with her" I walk away but anish keeps following me .

"So you give up huh ! Huh ?"

"Stop following me Anish " because it hurts damn it ! It hurts to see her crying whenever our past tries to barge in her mind .

Whenever the memories of me come with full force to own her . She can't take it and I can't force her .

"Kiaan " he speaks and I turn around "take what's yours or it will be too late "

I clench my fist but don't speak anything. Anish is really important for me which is funny because people think I care about none .

"You wanna die or what? " I speak before walking away.

"Go take your stand or I won't back off next time " he speaks and walks back inside .

When I go back she's looking at a guy who is smiling and laughing while showing her a page .

" motherfucker I'm already infuriated "

I strut towards him and grab him by the nape to smash his fucking face on my car.

"Kiaan !!! " she screams and backs off .

I raise his head and bang it onto the car again and fucking again .

"Stop it !!! " anish growls and pushes me away ."What the fuck are you doing huh ??"

He snarls while she looks at the scene with wide eyes and a hand on her mouth.

"Don't dare smile at another man again , unless you want this " I show her my hands all red in blood and her face turns pale.

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