21. Ishani

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My head is spinning as the speakers pump music and the very luminous lighting on the cruise is making it worse . I even forgot to bring any meds . So, I ask the receptionist for my room keys .

"I'm sorry Miss Solanki, you have not been allotted a room "

"Are you kidding me ? " I huff , "what's with you IMU people always manipulating my room bookings "

"We were ordered to send your stuff to " she takes her now wide eyes closer to the computer screen and voices with apprehension "Kiaan's room "

"Ohh great , I actually saw that coming "

"Are you the girl he recently proposed?" She whispers.

"That unlucky one ? Yeap that is me "I grin .

"I'd say you're the luckiest girl on planet right now, you're untouchable " she grins.

"I'd say he is lucky that she's tolerating so much of his fuckery "

I turn around to find anish smiling .

"He's lucky I didn't kill him already " I flip my hair back.

"No doubt about that wonder woman " he grins "you can take my room, I'll stay with him " .

"Thanks" I smile .

"Ouch, I thought we were friends " he speaks so dramatically .

"We are " I take the extra keys as he directs me towards the corridor .

"Thank you for changing your decision for me " he smiles and I reply "it was necessary and I'm really shocked due to the extent of significant memories that had vanished ."

"Those are someone's complete life " he speaks making me freeze.

"Really ?"

He turns towards me to mutter "kiaan has been looking for you literally at every corner of the planet for eight years . We got details of all Children from that year's summer camp but couldn't find you, from the internet to mafia circles , we've been looking for you like idiots . I guess your dad's mafia network is too strong to keep your identity hidden"

I smile and mumble " yeap it has gotten tighter after I was shot on roadside "

We both stop talking abruptly as someone yells from a room "you are good for nothing " he growls .

"Get out of here before I smash your head "

I and anish look at each other dumbfounded .

"Must be some toxic teenage couple " he speaks and we start to walk away .

This is not some random couple but a very very secret strategy going on under our noses. Someone is busy planning and plotting while we are not even able to get our lives together . My phone dings with a text from mom but I ignore it as anish opens the door to his room .

My eyes land at Kiaan lying on his bed with his phone in his hand.

Anish's gaze bounces between me and kiaan before he speaks "I hope you both can negotiate " and he walks away .

Violation of friendship rules.

Kiaan gets up and walks towards me . We both stand across each other at the entrance.

"I'll go " I whisper and he slightly bends.

"What" He questions and I open my mouth to speak when he grabs me by the waist and pulls me inside the room . The door locks as he pins me to the wall .

"What did you say to him back there ? " He pretends to think "right, May I ?"

His eyes shoot daggers at me as I gulp down the lump in my throat .

"Kiaan " I try to push him away "let go of me "

Now that I've recalled so much , I know that kiaan in my childhood was a cute boy I was really possessive of . He was someone I saved from committing suicide and he was someone I shared my secrets with .
At present he is nothing but a sexy asshole . He is someone who killed his own father and he is someone who can and will kill anyone before thinking . I've always known I'd marry a mafia who will obviously kill people for his business like my dad does but kiaan is void of human emotions. He doesn't even care about his own little sister. He is himself not a normal human being because there resides a monster inside him . One , which is obsessed with me because of my childhood sins .

"I feel like committing a crime " he whispers in his every so sexy deep voice before kissing my neck .

"Ki--aan " I push him away "why did you ---kill your dad" I face him and I know this is not the right way to ask but I wonder what is even the right time and way of asking him anything .

"Not important " he brushes me off and pulls me closer again . He kisses my cheek while I push him away .

"it is for me " I deadpan " Firstly you wanted to die and then you killed your own father "

"I don't want to trigger your memories butterfly"

"You anyways do it , and I want you to do it , answer me kiaan "

He scratches his forhead and then looks at me with a serious expression on his face "this is not the right time silly , try to understand"

"I don't want to understand "I scream .

"The kiaan I remember would never do something like that ,then how could you ---- how could you "

"Don't stress yourself so much " he cups my face "I'll tell you everything when you'll be ready to trust me Ishi"

I look at him with wide eyes.

Are you really not gonna meet me for a year kiaan ?

I can't ishi, I'll be back when I make everything alright okay ? Wait for me .

Next year in the summer camp if I don't see you , you'll loose the post of my favourite person.

I will be here, I promise .

I promise too .

You don't need to , you are so clingy that you'd anyways come for me.

Hey , stupid grumpy . Stop teasing me .

I hold his arm for balance as my vision starts to become dark .

"I kept my promises , I really did " he speaks pulling me towards his chest .

"Why did you do all that " I ask looking up at him .

"I had no other choice baby"

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