19. Kiaan

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Welcome to the Annual Prestige Ceremony ." Ivaan speaks in the Mike as all the invited students of three universities stand in the hall for the ceremony .

"IMU is really glad to be holding the trophy for two consecutive years . We always have believed that the monsters are always ahead of hunters and Emperors " he laughs .

"That fucker" anish chuckles. We both are positioned near the bar and she's nowhere to be seen ever since we've come up on the cruise .

"Enjoy the evening " my brother gets down as the celebrations begin . The Prestige Ceremony has always been my favourite timepass where I get to show everyone what my power is above all three universities but this year I'm restless .

They call other two leaders , my sister's boyfriend abhimanyu and my butterfly's brother kavish on the stage .

"Now , We would like to call IMU's owner , its leader , its soul , its king Kiaan Raghuvanshi to accept the crown " a woman announces and I look around the hall .

"Where's that tiny little dimwit " I voice and anish also looks around him.

"Go" he says and I place the glass on the bar and stroll towards the stage while both fuckers shoot daggers at me with their eyes . I like that . Suddenly my eyes meet a pair of brown orbs . There she is .

I tap on the Mike before speaking" I feel this is like a humiliating ritual for the loosing leaders So we should change it . We don't need both of you "

I look at them who even though are relieved , still seem shocked . Changing the Prestige Ceremony is itself a very drastic decision.

"I will choose the person who'll crown me ." I deadpan. Everyone should know who has the real copyright on me.

I strut down the stage and directly towards her . She tries to hide behind someone but I grab her wrist and yank her towards me . She looks at me with wide eyes .

"Kiaan let go of me" she tries to get free but I grab her upper arm.

"I decided to wait , not to back off " and I take her along to the stage .

"crown your king " I settle on the chair and her gaze bounces between me and her brother.

He takes a step forward but she stops him .
"I'll do it " she picks the crown with shivering hands and then places it on my head. The hall echoes with clappings .

Her brother storms out of the hall while archit looks at me with nothing but infuriation .

She starts to get down the stage but I grab her hand .
"Picture ? Who knows you'll forget this too"

She rolls her eyes before sitting on the arm rest of my chair and the photo is taken .

After a while a glass jar is brought on the center table.

"those girls who have partners can come with them and others can pick the chits . Names of all single boys have been written on them" a guy announces .

And that little dimwit is the first one to pull up a piece of paper .
"Ohh she got kiaan's name " the host speaks looking at another girl .

The girl walks towards me and I give her a death glare which makes her sprint out of the hall .
"Now let's see who the cutest girl here will get "

"Who's that motherfucker with a Mike " I ask and anish chuckles.

"She really is cute , how can you expect people not to notice ? You jellofish "

" kitni khushi hori hai na tujhe "

"Ohh she got a handsome hunk just like I had expected we gave Anish Barot here "

Fuckkk !!!

"Ab hui" he chuckles.

"Wanna die ?" I glare at him as dimwit strolls towards him with a smile.

"May I " she speaks and I look at her with wide eyes .

"You want him to loose his legs ?" Rage fills me .

"Who are you and why are you ordering me around Mr grumpy " she pulls a face .

"Didn't I tell you I'll break legs of all those who try to take my place ? I'll rip the tongue out of those who dare to talk to you silly " I deadpan and she seems clueless.

Abso-fucking-lutely .

Shut the fuck up kiaan ,shut the fuck up .

Her hand goes up to the side of her head .

"It's alight , breathe " I hold her shoulder as she squeezes her eyes and her forhead collides with my chest . My body goes numb and my mind freezes .

Fuck! What did I do !

"I'll get you water " anish says but she raises a hand .

"No I'm fine , I'm okay " She smiles and finally I breathe .

"See this isn't that tough , both of you" anish smiles.

She pulls away and walks out while my eyes land at Ivaan who is talking to a girl .

"Who is she ?" I ask and anish says " the younger sister to Archit oberoi, jannat"

"What the fuck is he doing with her "

"I have no idea " he says and I start to walk towards them but they vanish before that .

I suddenly feel nostalgic so I exit the hall .

"You're killing me dimwit, please come back "
Translations -:

kitni khushi hori hai na tujhe
(Aren't you really happy ? )

Ab hui
(Now I am )

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