8. Ishani

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When we come back to the campus , I put the paper bag consisting my meds in my bag pack and zip it up before we stroll back inside.

I head inside the Cafe and ask for a bottle of blueberry juice .
"They don't serve healthy salads here , how am I supposed to survive " I speak walking inside .

"We'll find a solution , or I'll ask shru to cook and send it here " inayat Says when we stop in front of the reception table because still we don't have our dorm keys .

"What the fuck is your problem ishani " Aliza screams walking towards me as I sip the juice .

"Jyada hi cute hu Insecurity hoti hai na" I smile and her face turns red . She raises a hand to slap me but her hand is stopped in the air .

My gaze shifts from her face to Anish who now stands in front of me facing her .

"Fuck off " he growls and she clenches her jaw before storming away .

"Thanks " I smile when he turns towards me .

He places a hand on my head and shakes it making me giggle .

"Take care cutipie " he smiles before leaving and I feel warmth in my chest.

"Cutiepie huh? " inayat chuckles making me smile .

"At least someone is nice here " I place my bottle on the table to ask the receptionist " my dorm keys"

"Actually miss Solanki there were some changes " she speaks "we were ordered to give that dorm to someone else because you were shifted "

"Shifted to where " inayat questions.

"To the Mansion " she smiles .


What the fuckk !!

"Who did that" I almost yell but my phone dings with a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: don't dare to defy me again.

" kiaan " she smiles making my blood boil . I'm so gonna kill him soon.

I'm about to crack the phone screen with my acrylic nails while typing .

Ishani: fuck ! Now I'll have to change the damn number of my phone.

Serves you right .

"What should we do it will get dark soon " inayat speaks in a low tone .

"No options " I grab my bottle and my bag but turn to ask her again "I left our bags at the reception "

"They've been taken to your rooms " she smiles again . Anyways she's not at fault and she's also very sweet .

"Thank you " I smile .

All of a sudden my phone dings. It's an insta notification which says kiaan Raghuvanshi started following you .

I roll my eyes and stroll forward when my phone dings again .
Anish Barot started following you .

I give him a follow back and I don't know how but he comes from the front direction. I just saw him leave, why is this guy so mysterious.

"I guess you don't know where the Mansion is " he speaks and I nod.

"Come on " he voices and we both follow him to a black car in which he takes us to the Mansion .

"Woah " inayat gasps as we look at the Mansion which is more like a glass castle . To me it looks like a daunting rattrap .

We walk inside while Anish goes away in his car . When the front door opens we are greeted by two guards dressed in black suits .

"I'm seriously not going to stay here for long" I whisper and inayat chuckles.

My phone dings again .

Mr Monster: don't dare to .

His car wasn't outside in the parking so he's not here obviously. I ignore his late reply and we take the elevator as directed by one of the guards .
We reach a room which has a glass name plate saying Kiaan Raghuvanshi .

He takes us to the very next door which has my name on it . The name plate even has a butterfly .

"Is he bipolar or what " I mumble swiping a key card which the man gave before leaving.

"Isn't this so beautiful " inayat voices and I agree but there is obviously a plan behind all of this.

I'm cute not dumb Mr monster .

"Ohh waao " inayat gasps when we walk inside the room . The wall exactly in front of the door has a window and a balcony . The left one has the bed's headboard connected to it along with a door which leads to the dressing room and shower but the right wall is a mirror . A full length mirror.

"Creepy" I speak and she chuckles.
While she spends time talking to Zara and others on phone, I search for my accident news on web . When I feel like my head is hurting , I take my medicines and check a thousand texts from mom , dad and my brother.

I hate it when they are so worried about me . When I'm the cause of their problems or of anyone's problems .

"Ishu, sleep now " inayat mumbles with half her eyes open. She covers her face with the blanket . I turn the lights off and dial a call to my dad .

"How's my doll doing " he questions and I pout " why didn't you tell me about the memory loss "

"I'm sorry ishu , I couldn't afford loosing you "
My family really loves me a lot . In order to not disturb inayat I sit near the mirror wall to talk on the phone but when I place my finger on it , there is no gap between my finger and the reflection.

"What the actual---" I get up instantly.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes , I'll call you later dad " I hang up and turn on the torch of my phone .
When I place it against the mirror , it Illuminates the very next room but all I can see are draw down plastic curtains .

"What a creep , I'm seriously not going to stay here for long ."

When I observe it carefully and dig my nails on its corner , I realize it is actually a room divider which is a one way mirror . I slowly slide it open and walk on my fours in the next room .
I get up to find that the complete wall is see through which makes me gasp . When I push a button the curtains go up making me frightened as hell and I turn it off instantly. When I walk towards the bed my spine jerks straight to find him sleeping on his front .
His wide back and biceps make me gulp a lump in my throat . There is a band tattoo on his bicep . The blanket covers half of his body and I sit down to see his face clearly .

"Do you know how much I hate that gorgeous face of yours " I lean my back against his bed and bend my knees whispering "ek kiss mzaak thodi hoti hai . It was my first kiss . I will forever hate you for that. You know what, from the day I've seen you for the first time, you've brought me nothing but trouble. What is even your problem ? Obsession to mere samajh bhi ata kyuki mai hu hi itni cute " I flip my hair back " but that's not the case since you hate me and for the record , I hate you too . I mean you are--- ughh..!!! you are very sexy but a sexy asshole. A fancy fairytale mixed with a horror novel . " I chuckle turning back " and I seriously--- "

My body turns to a stone when I see his dark eyes fixed at me .

"Darn me" I whisper slapping a hand on my face.


Jyada hi cute hu Insecurity hoti hai na
(I'm so cute that people feel insecure )

ek kiss mzaak thodi hoti hai
(A kiss is not a joke)

Obsession to mere samajh bhi ata kyuki mai hu hi itni cute
(I could understand obsession because I'm too cute )

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