12. Ishani

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Seeing him laugh makes my heart flutter, I don't know why . I couldn't imagine him laughing like that . It's--- it's beautiful .

"He laughed and called me silly " I speak and he keeps his focus on my face .

Right now in my memory flashback, I was sitting on a swing with a boy who was sitting on the very next swing . We were both looking at the lake in front of us . He was laughing .The conversation was something like -:

Silly , you are unbelievable.

Don't you dare call me that

I will

Don't you !!!

I will silly .

I will kill you .

"That was it? " he questions and I nod .

"He might be your looser brother " he chuckles making my blood boil .

"Stop calling him that , he must be someone close " I push him away "now gimme my pendant "

"I will" he gets up and he should really put on a shirt right now . His damp hair and his abs are really making my body heat up . The way his black trousers hang at his waist and the band tattoo on his bicep really look sexy .

From the physical appearance , he looks exactly like the man of my dreams but from the inside he is Rotten.

There is a question revolving in my mind from last one hour that I want to ask him whenever I look at the butterfly on his chest . It's a tattoo exactly under his collarbone . He said he hates butterflies and then he calls me a butterfly and now he has a tattoo?

"You said you hate butterflies" I question looking at his tattoo.

"When did I say that " he gets up from the bed .

"When you pushed me out of your way you said and I quote - I fucking hate butterflies "

"I was just vexed at the moment "

"So you don't hate them actually?" I smile .

"I don't like them either " he deadpans.

Asshole !

"So gimme my pendant "

"Why is it so important to you" he asks walking towards his cupboard .

Why is it important?
I myself don't know but it's like my lifeline. I can't stay a second without it .

"My soul resides inside it " I speak and he freezes.

"Then I won't return it " and he shuts his cupboard.

"Please kiaan " I look at him with puppy face and he tilts his head to the side and takes out a black coloured box .

"Here "

I open the box to find my pendant safe but there are two butterflies in it now.

"Where did you get this " I question as loudly as I can .

"It's not a rare diamond or something " He simply says and sits next to me.

"But it is exactly the same " I scream " ohh my God"

The two butterflies in my pendant , now look even more beautiful .

"Waaao " I'm the happiest person on earth right now "thank you so much"

He doesn't show any expression and takes me in front of the dressing mirror and puts the necklace on my neck.
His touch always does something to me . Even the slightest one .

"I can't even tell Which one is mine " I ask looking at the butterflies in the mirror .

"All three but the fourth is mine " he speaks and his lips twitch . That's the closest to a smile that you can get from him .
I've never ever seen him smile and I don't think I ever will .

Wait what ? Three ?

"What " I question as he looks at my face incessantly.

Take care Ishu and don't fight with aliza .

I never fight with her mom .

Okay okay take care of your sister kavish .

I will protect her with my last breath mom .

Don't be so dramatic .

"What's happening " he asks and I grab my head with both hands as sharp pain shoots in the back of my head to my spine.

"Dimwit" he shakes me .

You keep siting here ishu I'll get the plushy for you .

No I will come with you .

Okay but get out of the car carefully and don't leave my hand while crossing the road. Okay ?

Yes .

"Ughhhh!!! " I squat on the ground "aaah"

"Butterfly " he holds my shoulder " look at me "

Ishu!!!! I heard kavish screaming over and over again along with gunshots . It feels like someone is shooting at my ears right now . I saw a man dressed in black , his face completely covered and a gun in his hand and my brother was running towards me.

He wraped me in his arms as blood splashed around us .
Bhai !!!! I screamed and suddenly sharp pain shot in my head . Everything stopped , time and life .
Ishu, ishu no -- no !!!

"Damn it butterfly , are you listening . Speak up "

"Get a fucking doctor Ivaan , Noww!!! "

Someone shakes me and then my head lands at his hard chest as he wraps his arms around me . He lifts me from the ground as my body turns lifeless.

[2 hours later]

"Ishani " someone caresses my forhead and I slowly open my eyes to find Dr Amrita looking at me with apprehension.

"What happened baby " she asks and I try to get up.

"I saw that incident of my accident " I cannot believe untill now , I never knew what exactly had happened.

"Is he your boyfriend " she questions as I look out of the window at kiaan pacing in the corridor restlessly .

She gives me a flying kiss " what a super hot choice you made " she chuckles making me giggle .

"No- no . He's not--"

"You said everything will be fine " kavish storms inside .

Instantly kiaan walks in . Ivaan and anish are outisde too but they keep standing there.

"Ishani are you following the diet ?" She holds my chin .

"There is no healthy food at IMU but I eat packaged salads "

" packaged ? Seriously ishu"kavish speaks loudly making me flinch.

"Low down the fucking tone" kiaan declares .

"You keep your damn mouth shut , It's all because of you . Maybe you are the reason that her memories are coming back like this "

"How can he --- come on bhai " I try to get up but kavish holds my arm .

"Block these memories " kavish tells the doctor.

"That's not how it works kavish , we'll end up making it worse " she caresses my head and kavish looks at me with apprehension before storming out .

"And he isn't a pathetic looser?" Kiaan asks me .

What the hell is going on in my life ?

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