9. Ishani

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"Ishu yaar, Margye aaj toh chup chap so ni sakti thi itni raat ko detective giri kon karta hai or kii bhi to bakwas krne kyu bethi idhr , ye to meko Maar hi dalega aaj"

"Stop talking to yourself , I can hear it all " he deadpans still looking at me with those dark eyes .

I get up ready to sprint out of his room but he grabs my wrist .

"Did I say you could leave"

" last I checked, I don't take orders from you"

"Last I checked you do and you are the one who disturbed me in my sleep SO SIT DOWN "

Akal hi ni hai meko.

"Fine "I sit down and he leaves my wrist .

"Did you call me sexy ? I couldn't have misheard right " he breaths near my neck making my sensitive skin tingle .
"Yeap I said that but you missed the asshole pa--" I freeze realizing I should watch my words when I talk to him "part " I shut my mouth with a hand.

"And you hate this sexy asshole " he holds the spaghetti strap of my black top with two fingers making me unable to focus on anything else .
"Any specific reason " he whispers in that sleepy sexy voice near my ear .

But still I speak "because you are arrogant , nope you are the king of arrogance . Who shows so much attitude to such a cute girl " I mumble and he huffs " more like a cartoon "

My blood boils and I seriously want to punch his face.

"I take my words back from earlier , you are just an arrogant asshole " I speak and try to get up but my strap is intertwined to his stupid finger .

"Let me go " I attempt to remove his hand but he moves a little closer to my neck and voices "Did I not make it clear that I don't like criticism and foul mouths " and he kisses my shoulder. A shudder runs down my body and butterflies dance in my stomach .

"You kiss everyone whom you don't like " I mumble as he grabs my chin with a hand making me look up in order to suck at my neck . A moan skips my mouth .

"I like playing with my prey untill it breaks and nothing is left behind "

A shiver runs down my spine. So I am a mere target for him since the first day he saw me . His bored and monotonous life found thrill in turning my life into hell .
That is the reason, I see that spark in his eyes whenever he looks at me .

"Too bad, Ishani Solanki won't bend Mister Monster " I yank his hand away and get up .

"You might find enjoyment in making other people's life miserable but I am no timepass for anyone . It will be better if you stay away from me or you'll regret it " I declare and storm out of his room . Tears stream down my cheeks and I feel a sharp pain in my temples . Holding my head with both hands , I squeeze my eyes shut struggling to sleep .

Next Day when we go back to the campus inayat is busy checking Archit's insta for any updates about Zain .

"I talked to kavish about the dorm , he said we'll get it tommorow and if not then he'll get us an apartment nearby "

The only problem with IMU is that it is at a secluded area so it is very difficult to find a place near it . Even their personal Mansion is very far but my brother said he'll try so he will obviously get a solution.

"Great " she speaks without shifting her focus from the phone.

When we get inside the corridor literally everyone looks at me with hate or envy and I get to hear whispers like

So she insults him and gets all the privileges.

What's so special about her ?

I really hate her why is she even at our university.

I don't want kiaan to even see her again .

"Don't listen to them ishu " inayat holds my shoulders. "If they bother you too much give them a piece of your mind . "

I smile but it's short-lived when I see Amya and her gang coming towards me . Even Aliza and Jannat.

"How was your night at kiaan's Mansion ? I bet you had fun " amya speaks viciously.

"Let's go " inayat grabs my wrist as we walk away but jannat blocks us .

"Not so soon ishu " She deadpans .
"I don't believe you" I roll my eyes with a sarcastic smile .

"I told you it will not be good for you " Aliza yanks my bag away from my shoulders .

"Give it back " inayat speaks trying to snatch the bag but Aliza unzips and empties it on the floor . Dozens of my medicines , my phone, my hairpins, pens, cards , cash , lip gloss and books fall on the tiled floor as students from various classes come out to watch the scene .

"Are you crazy " inayat screams and amya's minions grab both my arms . Jannat takes out her phone to record.

"What the fuck " inayat comes towards me but Aliza holds her .
"Since I have too much problem with my brother Zain , I'll not think twice before smashing your damn face so stay still" She chuckles.

"Leave me " I scream when amya comes in front of me. "
Not before we punish you " she speaks and grabs the neckline of my dress.

"What the fuck are you doing " I scream with tears as she takes out a cutter and makes a cut before grabbing my dress again and rips it with both hands .
Instanly a black jacket is thrown on my shoulder and strong arms wrap around my body as I inhale a masculine scent .

With blurry eyes I look to my left when my eyes meet with Anish's flawless face .

Everyone turns silent when he leaves me and I hold the jacket close tightly.

"What are you looking at , you punks " he growls and the students move a few steps back with eyes fixed at the floor.

"I see you have a death wish" he grabs amya's throat .

"No---anish --- it's not like "

"Shut the fuck up before I loose my mind and smash your head in that pillar right there , you spiteful shitty woman" he throws her away as her back hits the pillar and she falls down ." And you " he looks aliza in the eyes while she places a hand on her hip "You want me to take out your eyeballs , insecure ugly brat"

"What did you just say" she gasps. "You--- " she points a finger at him but the hall turns silent and students get aside when kiaan struts towards us with hands in his pockets .

Translations -:

Ishu yaar, Margye aaj toh chup chap so ni sakti thi itni raat ko detective giri kon karta hai or kii bhi to bakwas krne kyu bethi idhr , ye to meko Maar hi dalega aaj
(Ishu , we're dead . Couldn't you sleep ? I mean who becomes a detective at this time in the night and even if you did , why did you have to sit here and talk shit ?)

Akal hi ni hai meko.
(I'm so stupid )

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