6. Ishani

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They say sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut. Guess they are right .

I should have used my brain before yelling in the corridor like that ! Inu wanted us to keep a low profile and look what I did .
They literally drag me inside the auditorium and the first face that comes into my vision is Anish who is looking at me anxiously while Ivaan seems worried too .

The only one who is unaffected is Kiaan . He tilts his head to the side when they take me in front of him .

"Why did you bring her here like that, do you even know she's Crystal's friend and she's Ishani Solanki . Do you know who her brother is ?" Ivaan speaks . He's really anxious after seeing me here .

"But kiaan she insulted you in front of so many students, that is the biggest defiance, we can't take insults against our leader "
Kiaan's eyes remain fixed at me and he takes his sweet time observing my miserable condition before he finally voices "who said you could lay hands on her ?"

Time Almost stops and I can hear most of the students gasping .

"But kia--"

" take your BLOODY HANDS OFF HER !!! " he growls making me flinch as the girls leave me and step back . I just wish to run away from him .

Inayat comes rushing towards me with my beige coloured bag in her hand .

"Let's go " she holds my hand but the girls now grab her to take her aside .

Kiaan keeps giving me that death glare before he declares "if she has done anything wrong , she will be punished for it "

A shiver runs down my body as he takes a few steps back "but before that I need to know what you said , come on tell me word to word exactly Whatever you think of me "

I freeze on my place and recall the words I said . Am I supposed to speak it all in front of him and the whole freaking university which worships him?

"I--- I , it was all --"

"Tell me the exact same WORDS " he speaks louder and I flinch.

Okay come on ishani, there is no going back . Speak up.

I take a deep breath and focus my gaze on his shoes when I speak "for me Kiaan Raghuvanshi is a low down , depraved, diabolical monster . I will never wish for a shameless and illicit criminal like him ." The whole university gasps and a wave of shiver runs down my spine , my legs tremble when I speak "I hate him "

It feels like he'll take out his gun and kill me right here . I sqeeze my eyes without raising my head . After a few moments when nothing happens I look up.
The students begin whispering.

"She's seriously done for "

"See he's really pissed off "

"Isn't she too cute to be punished brutally "

" she has broken a rule "

When I look at his face he clenches his jaw while anish standing behind him is unable to control his laughter but he is trying hard.

"You Hate me ?" He takes a step towards me "how much" he questions petrifying me .

You've dug your own grave Ishu.

"As much as you hate me " I speak and he frowns as if I said something irrelevant or non-existant.

"Huh? Anyways , Since you've wronged me " he signals something to the girls " you will be punished " and amya takes out a trimmer .

My face turns pale but she turns it on and places it near inayat's temple .
"Do you want your dear friend to loose her hair " he bends forward to come on my eyes level .

I shake my head " no please , she is not at fault "

"Then I'll give you two choices " my heart sinks to my stomach when he mentions that. He always gives two brutal choices and it is difficult to pick any one because both are equally barbaric.

I look at his face so close to mine as he brings his hand closer to my chest and takes my pendant in his hand " either destroy this " he speaks in his vicious tone making me tremble .
I step back snatching away my pendant and protect it with both hands .

"N-noo" I shake my head . Anish comes forward "Don't go too far " he speaks in a low voice .

"Or " kiaan comes down the podium and bends down to speak "Kiss me " his gaze bouncing from my eyes to lips .

My heart stops beating right there and my eyes buldge out on the unbelievable statement he made .
All students heave and whispers erupt in the hall .

"So she gets to kiss him ?"

"Is this even a punishment?"

"Ohh my God this is unbelievable "

"What is she gonna pick "

"Can I take the punishment for her ?"

My mind goes numb and I can't even think properly right now .
I can't let him destroy my pendant, it's like a lifeline to me but then I can't let him have my first kiss . I've saved it for my someone special. I surely can't let him take it from me . Not him at all .

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