23. Ishani

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He looks at me as if I'm the one and only beautiful thing he has ever seen in his life . He looks at me as if I'm everything for him . The kind of passion I always wanted . When he touches me , his touch is gentle but firm . There is someone who has dedicated his entire life to me . He might be a monster for everyone but for me he has always been my shield no matter if I could see that or not.
He was looking for me when I had forgotten everything about him . I became the motive of his life while he wasn't even a part of mine .

But this arrogant asshole doesn't need to know that . You better keep it between us .

"Why" he questions hovering Over me . I push him aside and take out my phone from the pocket of my skirt .

"I'll tell you why " I turn on the recording that I accidentally did back then, when I met him at the race track .

You !

"Ohh that , I was really shocked to see you after so long and like that . The girl I've been searching on the entire planet was standing in front of my car with a selfie stick and a death wish . So ofcourse I was infuriated"

You wish to die or what ? Crazy little creepy-crawly"

"How could you call me that" I grumble and he chuckles.
"dimwit "

I hit him with my fist.

t-that , was not my fault , this bike is illegal in our country in case you don't know and leave me.
Do you even know who I am? Here , look at me

"I couldn't believe that you didn't know who I was because for me I knew instantly.

"Who wouldn't recognize the cutest girl on earth " I flip my hair back and he rubs his palm on my head .


I am Kiaan Raghuvanshi and you are going to apologize NOW .

"Intentionally told you my name "

I'm sorry it was my fault because I was busy with my phone.

fuck ! now I'll have to change the damn colour of my car Get the hell away from it now.

I look at him with a raised brow .

I fucking hate butterflies

"You can't understand what my situation was , I couldn't figure out if you were faking it , you no longer wanted to see me or if you didn't recognize me . But obviously I told you my name to clarify that "

"Now you know the reason ?" I point a finger at my temple.

"Yes dimwit" he chuckles.

"So ,no kiaan Raghuvanshi I won't--- "

"Sleep with you " he speaks.

"Shhh--shut up " I whisper yell while he begins laughing .

"What ? I'm not asking you to sleep with me right now " he smirks.

"Kiaan just stop talking " I take a blanket and hide inside it . Right now , I just want to sleep .

"Okay , for now but don't ever expect that in future " he voices and the mattress dips near me which means he's right here .

Calm down heart .

He grabs me from behind and I squeeze my eyes shut ,trying to calm my heart down .

With him caging me in his arms , I don't know when I fall asleep .

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