10. Ishani

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All my life I've just seen people loving me so it is really difficult to tolerate so much hate at once . That is why I've always refused to believe that someone wanted to kill eleven years old me. My family protected me from all the problems , then my brother became my shield and now my friends kept me safe but at times when I'm so vulnerable , it is really tough to go through all this. Maybe this is the first time in life when I'm feeling so unsafe . Even when an assassin shot me , I knew my brother will save me . He took the bullets on my behalf but today when I see so many people hating me for something which is not even my fault , it makes my heart ache . I want to spend a happy life filled with smiles and love . This is not where I am supposed to be .

Tears pool in my eyes when inayat hugs me . I look at the person who is the main reason for all this . I so regret the day I went to the track everytime I look at him now . He squats to pick up my little glass bottle filled with white coloured pills and observes it carefully . One of the bottles broke and now he collects the pills on his palm.

"Kiaan --- I'll do it --" A guy squats near him but he raises a hand "Don't touch anything " he speaks putting my stuff in my white coloured bag pack now .

Anish walks towards me and wraps an arm around me as we walk through the crowd and out of the hall now .

"Are you alright cutipie " he questions making me sit on a bench in the garden .

I nod and he offers me his handkerchief.
"Here " he takes out a bottle of blueberry juice and gives it to me .

"Thank you so much anish " inayat speaks.

"No need " he smiles "she's my favorite " .

All I get from him are good vibes . I've never even talked to him and he has become so close to me that he's always there when I'm in a problem.

"Why " I question and he sits near me on the bench .

"Because there are very rare people like you , whose smile can make me feel alive" he looks at me and all I can do is smile .

"Anish" someone screams from across the boundary of the garden.

"Kiaan " he signals towards the auditorium and we hear so many gunshots at once . My heart freezes .

"Aliza" I speak and sprint towards the auditorium.

"Ishu your clothes " inayat yells from behind me and before I can reach there anish holds my wrist .

"I'll handle this" he sprints inside as I hold his jacket tight.

After a while of pacing in front of the auditorium, I see students coming out in line , all look like they've been beaten ruthlessly . All boys who were gaping at the scene earlier or the ones who dared to take out their phones to record. They look at me with infuriation and walk away whining in pain.

What if anything happens to Aliza ? How will I face aunt Divya . How will I face Zain or Archit . How will I face myself ???

My heart calms down when aliza walks out of the auditorium all infuriated . Her minions follow her when she comes towards me.

"He wants us to apologize . He said and I quote -- apologize while I'm being nice or you'll never be able to walk again, anyone of you-- so yeah , here I am sorry miss everyone's favorite " she cleches her jaw and storms away .

"I'll make sure you regret this " she mentions and I exhale in relief . All other apologize too .

I and inayat enter an empty classroom .
Someone knocks and she opens the door .

"What is all this " she speaks looking at my bag in one hand and a few other shopping bags in the other . Someone gave these to her and left ?

When I check my bag all my stuff is there safely, the bottle even has been replaced . My phone's screen is back to normal and in the other bag , I find a very beautiful pink coloured tulle dress .

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