7. Ishani

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It is said that life is a matter of choices . Whatever choices we make today will decide our future . Maybe in future we'll be proud of our decisions or maybe we'll regret these .

See I'm way too mature ?

Anyways , how can I get myself out of this mess ?

"I won't even consider Option number one " I put my necklace inside my dress .

"What is that piece of junk good for ? Anyways good choice " he speaks in a vicious tone .
I seriously don't hate any human on earth more than him .

"Kiaan " anish holds his bicep and looks at him with apprehension but the maniac ignores him .

This is seriously the worst day of my life . After the track incident I thought there can be nothing worse than this but he proved me wrong.

"If any motherfucker dares to click a picture, I'm gonna gut you and feed the dogs " he declares while my eyes are fixed at his shoes which now come down and stop an inch away from me.

My palms are sweating and my heart is pounding against my chest .

Itni koi badi baat ni hai ishu , you can do it . Ek choti si kiss hi to hai . Come on , no big deal.

I turn to look at inu who shakes her head .

If I let them shave her head I'm seriously gonna die of guilt .
She loves her hair because they are like a symbol of her childhood memories with her mom .

So without thinking more I comb my bangs with my fingers to cover my face from sides and grab the collars of his coat to pull him down . I get on my toes and close my eyes when my lips connect to his for mere three seconds and my cheeks heat up .
All of a sudden something happens,

A series of incidents flash in my mind .

Why do you want it ?

Because it is so beautiful, I love that blue butterfly.

Huh ! Silly .

What are you doing?

Get away from me .

Mom , I'm going . Miss me okay ?

Aww I'll miss you my doll .

You are annoying.

You are grumpy.

Are you leaving?

I have to .

Find me . Will you?

I promise.

I pull away and gasp . I grab inu's arm to sprint out of the auditorium .
"Are you alright " she questions as I dash in the washroom panting .

"What was that " I wash my face rapidly by Splashing water on it .

"He is a manipulative bastard " she grumbles .

"What's --- What's Wrong with me ?" I look at my pendant and sharp pain shoots in the center of my head .

I scream holding it with both hands and curl up in a corner.

"Ishu , ishu are you alright , calm down sweetie " she hugs me as I shiver .

What will you do with that stupid thing ?

I'm gonna keep it forever . Like a memory of yours .

"What the fuck is wrong with me " I yell and she seems traumatized.
She takes my finger to unlock my phone and dials a call to my brother.
"Come on ,we're leaving " she picks me up supporting with her shoulder and as we walk out and kavish is already waiting for us.

"What's wrong " he cups my face which is a mess right now .

"What is wrong with me kiv " I hug him and break down in tears.

"Nothing is wrong with you Ishani, calm down . We'll take you to doctor amrita "

Aunt amrita us our family doctor and she's the one whom I always consult about my health she has always been monitoring my heart and brain conditions since that day because she's the one who operated eleven years old me back then.

When we reach the hospital she looks at me anxiously.
"Ishu, didn't I warn you about consequences of stressing your brain which is so critical ".
"It's all because of him " inu mumbles.

"Who " kavish questions and I shake my head ,"Nobody , all of a sudden it feels like I'm hallucinating. I'm recalling things that haven't actually happened and there are times when I feel deja-vu."

Both my brother and doctor look at me anxiously .

"It's happening " she speaks looking at him and he nods .

"Will she be alright " he questions placing a hand on my forhead .

"I hope but this can get worse if she experiences something related to her past again. She'll have to go through all this if she wants her memories back "

Memories ? Which memories?

"What do you mean " I get up and she caresses my back .

"Increase the dose , we don't want the memories if it will make her suffer like this " kavish deadpans.

"Will anyone tell me ?" My gaze bounces from kavish to Doctor.

" may I " she asks my brother and he nods when inayat and he exit from the room.

Doctor amrita sits in front of me and cups my left cheek " listen carefully ishani , when eight years back your dad brought his little daughter to me . I was looking at a little barbie doll who was shot in her head. She was hanging between death and life and I had just a few minutes to start the operation. We tried our best and were able to save you but we knew you'd never get that normal life again . You'll never eat normal food like normal people . You will not be able to solve mind puzzles, or maths problems because we can't let you stress your brain cells which are still recovering from the damage but the biggest loss that we came across was that five years of your memory got wiped off "

I gasp when she says that. After the operation I was told never to think about the past because I could die due to that much of stress that's why I never realized I had completely forgotten five years of my life. I was so busy in moving on that I never looked back .

"We knew the memories will come back one day when something triggers them and it is finally happening, do you want this to continue? It will be worse Ishani" she questions and I don't think I need those memories now . That is all a very dark past and bad memories. I don't want them so I shake my head and she smiles .

"I'll increase the dose of your present medicines but maybe that will wipe off your memories permanently"


Itni koi badi baat ni hai ishu , you can do it . Ek choti si kiss hi to hai . Come on , no big deal.
(It is not a big deal ishu you can do . It is just a small kiss , come on no big deal)

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