13. Kiaan

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There is one pain I often feel , which you will never know . It is caused by the absence of you . The worst part being that I need to Stay the fuck away from you because otherwise I'll kill you........!!!!!

Hey grumpy , you really hurt me and keep that in mind , there will come a day when I will forget you, all about you  , your memories will cease to exist and in that moment I will be happy . Very Very happy .

I stop the car and take a deep breath before getting out . My nerves are throbbing and my chest is aching .

Soon someone stands in front of me . A girl.

"Kya chaiye" I slur and she looks at me for a moment without speaking anything .

"You" she smiles.

"Get the hell out of my way" I shove her aside to strut towards the building but she comes in front of me again .

"Who the fuck are you " I ask and she flips her hair back.

"I'm Aliza Oberoi "

I tilt my head to the side . She's Archit's sister.

"Do you know what I did to your brother? Wanna end up  on a fucking stretcher? Or better in a grave ? "

"That's what I like about you the most , you excite me " she speaks placing a hand on her hip .

"I'll make it very clear kiaan , be mine and I leave ishani alone or I'll kill her "

Rage and fury block my vision when I grab her throat pinning her to a car .

"I don't bluff , I don't lie . Say that again if you wanna die " I look at her with nothing but rage .

"Calm down " she holds my hand "okay I take back the kill part but what if she dies because of you being the trigger of her memories "

"How do you know that " I question trying to remain as calm as I can .
There are things that nobody knows except my brother and Anish . How does she know that ?

"I have my ways dear monster " she removes my hand carefully " Stop being close to her , she'll die kiaan"

"Shut the fuck up "

"You and I are equally selfish people and you know she's getting those flashbacks because of you . Stop tormenting your little Butterfly " she chuckles.

"Are you trying to manipulate me " I growl .

One thing,  she knows a lot and second she's somewhat right.

"No kiaan , I'm just making an offer here " she wraps her arms around my neck " think about it "

"Fine " I hold her wrists and yank her away "Do not touch me next time . Keep your mouth shut and " I step closer glaring at her "stay away from butterfly "

"Aur ishani ko tumse dur rakhu?" She smirks .

I'm about to speak when I hear " kiaan "

I turn to find Ivaan and Anish .
"Uncle wants to see you " he speaks and I nod . We walk inside the Mansion and my eyes land at Viraj Raghuvanshi .

"Get here, get here " he points at the seat next to him with his eyes fixed at his laptop .

I sit next to him while he shows me the screen . "These are all the cases on you untill now . We've sorted most of them but you never know what the rivals will pick . I've heard they want you behind the bars again so that they can attack us .

"What do you want me to do now " I lean back on the couch and fix my eyes at the chandelier above .

"Go underground for a few days" he waves his hand .

" WHAT " I sit straight and look at him with wide eyes .

"What is what? Is this something new ? Go and use these days to search for the girl you always try to find "

Waao , you yourself are telling me to go away from her but it is best for her mental peace right now .

"That's right kiaan " my brother walks in.

"I'll take care of things when you are gone" he places a hand on my shoulder "like always "

"Fine " I get up and walk outside as he follows me .

"Where are you going" Anish questions .
"As usual " I stroll out but instantly stop in my tracks and turn to look at Ivaan "does Crystal want anything?"

"No she's fine and she tells me if she needs anything " he takes out his phone .

"Keep this " I give him my cards  " ask her if she needs anything and go visit her tommorow "

"Sure " Ivaan speaks and I add "Don't give her my card give her cash if she needs and keep the secret security tight "

"Will do " he speaks and walks forward to hug me .

"What is this huh ? Some kind of bromance?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Keep pushing everyone away , so typical of you " he smiles before walking back inside .

"Why don't you do it yourself" anish questions."things you do for your sister without her knowing about it ?"

" Stop asking me these questions everytime " I lean against the wall beside him .

"I will never stop untill you break this wall "

"Fucker " I push him away "ab rodu kya ?"

"That'd be like a miracle " he laughs .

"Take care of things when I'm gone "

"Things " he mocks ." Stop fucking around kiaan . I'm seriously gonna punch the fuck out of you "

"You stop  the -- you are my favourite,  cutipie " I glare at him" asshole "

He begins laughing " I swear my heart said it , she's really damn cute and I lo--"

"Want me to rip your tongue out? Or shove my car keys down your throat ?"

"Damn ,You are scary man " he deadpans.

"I mean she really is my favorite,  if it wasn't for you I would have "

"Stop it asshole " I growl.

"I won't untill you stop this fuckery " he declares and heads back inside.


Kya chaiye
(What do you want?)

Aur ishani ko tumse dur rakhu?
(And keep ishani away from you? )

ab rodu kya
( should I cry?)

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