20. Kiaan

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In life when you see things happening and find yourself helpless , when you can't control the path of your life, sometimes you turn into a stone . Just like me right now . Coming to the Summer Camp was my decision because staying at home feels like staying at a hellhole . Where my father would beat up my mum unstoppable and I'd sit in my room listening to her cries whole night. Sometimes he beats my brother and sometimes me . My mother tells us that one day we'll be able to stand up againt him but I can't sleep under the same roof where my mother is being beaten every night .

When I see someone hit a woman , I always remember my mum's face .

And I can't do this anymore . So here I am , on the rooftop and looking at the ground. I know there are chances that I might survive even if I jump from here but that's the only way I can figure out now .

Be a strong boy kiaan , take all the pain and turn it into strength. Do it for your mom .

"I can't " I raise my foot from the boundary wall when a voice gets into my ears .

" Are you gonna fly like superman ?" She speaks looking at me with wide beautiful brown eyes holding a stuffed toy close to her chest .

"Go away " I deadpan .

"No I wanna see you fly " she looks up at me and then claps .

"Come on superman "

"I haven't seen anyone more stupid and irritating than this girl " I grumble and sit down on the boundary wall .

"I am smarter than you think and I know you were going to hurt yourself " she holds my arm and climbs up to sit next to me with her legs dangling down. "Don't be a looser , It's just a phase and it will pass , if it's not your fault then don't punish yourself for it "

"And what if I throw you down right now ? " I question and her face turns pale .

"No , don't , I wanna live my life"

"Why ? Because your life is filled of happiness?"

"No , not that grumpy , I want to wait for him "

"Who is him"

"My prince charming" she hugs her stuffed toy and looks at the sky making me laugh .

"Don't laugh okay , he'll be such a Romantic , cute ,loving , caring , protective sweet sweet boy "

"Such long list " I laugh and she smiles. Her smile can really make dead people stand up and wish to live more .

"Don't do that stupidity again , you're not a looser ." She rolls her eyes .

"What should I live for " I pretend to think .

"For me " she grins.

"Why would I live for a silly girl like you ." I straddle the wall and face her while she does the same .

"Because " she pinches my nose "where will you find a cutiepie like me " she giggles.

"My sister is way cuter than you , her name is crystal but I call her crysie "

"She can't be cuter than me "

" she is "
No You are indeed the cutest person I've ever seen but teasing you is only what I need right now .

"Don't talk to me then " she jumps down and starts to walk away .

"I will " I follow her .

"Go and jump down for all I care " she yells.

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