27. Ishani

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I swear a saree is the most complicated thing I've worn untill now and walking upstairs is hell of a ride .

"What the fuck are they doing in our room " shru speaks .

Apparently the guys have taken over our room while I just want to change my clothes or better sleep instantly.

When she opens the door , the floor is covered with mattresses and the guys including kiaan are lying like delinquent suitcases . Kiaan is literally shooting daggers at me because it got dark . Then he shifts his focus to his phone while ivaan is looking at the current pillow fight between Zain and kavish .

"What the fuck " someone from the girls whispers while abhimanyu is sleeping next to kiaan or more like pretending to do so . Shivay is sitting in a corner opposite to kiaan.

"RUN!! " kai spits and Crystal sprints away . Like why is she behaving like that ? It's not that he'll eat her up or something.

"What are you guys doing here . This is our sleeping place so get out " inayat tells them while my eyelids are forcing to shut.

"We thought you all will get scared if you watch them alone " Mr pretending to sleep gets up and shows the DVDs .

"Did you think that too ? Kiaan ?" Inayat asks and my spine jerks straight when he looks straight at me . I walk inside and sit on a mattress between kiaan and abhimanyu after throwing my heels aside . Then I take a blanket and cover myself in it speaking "Wake me up when all this is sorted ." Abhimanyu shifts aside and that's good considering I don't want him to be beaten again.

"Nope" he voices from my right side .
"Then ? Can you leave " shru asks him . Yeah please tell him .

"nope " .


Everyone walks out to change the clothes while I'm in no mood to do so . Kiaan removes the blanket from my face.

"Go change if you are so uncomfortable " I look around to find shivay sitting in the same corner and my brother sitting next to him . He smiles looking at me while other boys are busy bickering.

"I have no energy " I mumble.

Kiaan gets up and picks me in his arms .

"What are you doing " I speak as he walks out of the room .

" put me down kiaan " I say as he walks through the hall towards a room and on our way shru , crystal and kai gape at us . They even giggle.

"Stop embarrassing me kiaan"

"Ishu are you not gonna come back ? "Kai chuckles while I slap a hand on my forhead .
He lays me on a bed and places my suitcase on the bed .

"Don't open my bag " I push him away .

"Stay still " he deadpans and unzips the bag .

When he opens it the first thing that comes into his vision is my black coloured bra .

Shit !

"I told you don't touch my stuff " I almost yell and he shifts his gaze from my bra to my chest . I instantly cover it with my arms .

"What ?" I question and he lets out a soft laugh.

"Pervert " I mumble as he pulls out a black tank top and shorts from the bag .

"Go change " he speaks I pick up my clothes and stride inside the bathroom .

"Such a pervert he is, shameless " I whisper looking at myself in the mirror. My cheeks are red .

"Why am I blushing " I mumble .
When I walk out his back is towards me as he pulls his black t-shirt down . My gaze freezes at his toned back and my center throbs . I rub my thighs together and stroll towards the bed to place my saree back in the bag .

"Crystal is afraid of you, don't make her uncomfortable okay " I tell him and he keeps staring at me stupidly .

"Are you blaming me ?" He questions and I shake my head .

"Fine fine dimwit , I won't even look at her even if her boyfriend openly flirts with her " he makes a face while saying so and he looks so cute .

"Awww " I chuckle and someone knocks at the door .

"Kiwi" she voices and I instantly look at kiaan.

He strides towards the door and opens it .
She looks at him with tears in her eyes and hugs him suddenly. 

"I'm gonna cry " I whisper as kiaan kisses her head  .

"Who made you cry, let's kill him " kiaan voices firmly .
"Sorry , sorry . I'm so sorry . Anish told me everything and that day when you shot archit , I forgive you for that too " She sobs "come back kiwi ,please forgive your thankless sister "

"Shut up crysie"

"Family reunion?" Ivaan walks in and Says "group hug" as he hugs them both .

Families are complicated but all disputes can be solved . Time creates distance . Although some gapes can't be filled ever but we should make full efforts if we truly care about our loved ones .

We all walk towards the room where all others are . They have a small table and a glass bottle in the center and I know where this is going.

We are going to watch a movie after a game of truth or dare , that's final " Crystal declares and I hate horror movies . I don't care if they call me the scardy cat. It is what it is  .

After Crystal,  abhimanyu and kavish's turn the bottle stops at inayat . Actually speaking of that ,there is something going on between kai and my brother which is actually good. They look cute together .
The bottle stops at Zain this time . Shru gives him a dare to propose someone and I exactly know where this is going .

He obviously proposes inayat in the most romantic manner and makes ammends for his mistakes.

" I really really am sorry for all my mistakes and I love you coco . You mean the world to me . Please give me another chance "

A wide smile comes on my face. If there is true love , it stays forever . There is no fight , no argument nothing bigger than true love.  Obviously cheating is an exception.

"I love you too Zain , walk away again and I'll break you legs "

We laugh as they both hug each other and kiaan keeps pinching me here and there when nobody sees.

"Will you stop " I whisper yell and he shakes his head .


"Never ever " Zain Says and I speak "I so wish someone does that for me " that cute proposal !

The bottle in the very next turn now stops at me .

Shit !

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