4. Ishani

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Crystal's face turns pale when she notices what she just did .

"Is that your place?" Kiaan growls making me flinch and his voice echoes in the completely silent auditorium. Crystal's eyes fill with tears while her gaze is fixed at the ground.

"Did you hear me Crysie ?" he speaks in a calmer tone and she nods .

So that's why she hates that name because he calls her crysie .

Ivaan comes towards her as the students leave way and he wraps an arm around her to take her down .

I can see her trembling as Ivaan takes her in front of kiaan and here I thought he was only rude with me.

Kiaan places his arm on her shoulder while Ivaan and Anish stand aside .

He whispers something to her and she slightly shakes her head wiping her tears with a shaking hand .

Suddenly a few guys come inside the auditorium dragging one poor boy inside .

"Is he the one ?" Kiaan asks and Crystal nods . Me and inayat look at each other clueless.

"Oh my god " inayat whispers when she sees abhimanyu striding inside. He stops directly in front of kiaan while Crystal look at him with wide eyes .

Kiaan rules this university and my brother rules his while abhimanyu is my friend Zara's brother who rules the DEU .

"Ohh look prince charming is here " kiaan speaks getting away from his sister .

When he takes a step towards abhimanyu crystal stands in front of him .

"Bhai please uski koi galti nhi Hai" she speaks and kiaan tilts his head to the side but then shoves her aside . She is about to fall but ivaan holds her .

"You..!! " Abhimanyu attacks kiaan but anish stands in front of him.

"He is giving you his sister , you need to calm down abhimanyu, kiaan is the last person you want to infuriate"

"Touch her like that next time and I'll forget who you are Kiaan Raghuvanshi " abhimanyu declares and grabs Crystal's arm . They both walk out and kiaan keeps looking at them like a maniac . There is a thing that I've learnt about him . He is really really sharp , when other people are thinking about a single thing, there are thousands going on inside his brain . He has a brain ten times efficient than any of us . I mean the guy who is holding a mafia empire on his shoulder since a very young age and is alone target for all his rivals, runs such a big institution and thousands more like it is definitely not a common human being . Hence , I just know that I need to stay away from him.

"Huh, what does he think ? My kiaan will be scared of him?"

"Not one bit and he is mine"

"Kiaan deals with ruthless people everyday, what does that emperor think of himself?"

Will these girls stop whispering ?

"Now you " kiaan speaks looking at the guy.

"I'm sorry kiaan . I didn't know she was your sister , I'm really sorry "

"What did you say " he asks but the boy doesn't speak anything.

"What did you say about my sister " he growls . My body trembles when he takes out a gun from his jacket .

"I'm sorry "

"Two choices " kiaan declares squatting in front of the boy , "either shoot yourself " he places the gun on the ground and grabs the guy's hair "or I'll cut you into pieces , small and very small pieces "

The guy freezes as kiaan gets up and a man sprays sanitizer on his hands .

Finally he picks up the pistol with shivering hands and places the tip on his temple.

I squeez my eyes as we hear a gunshot . When I open my eyes , kiaan struts over the Dead body and leaves the auditorium followed by two other daunting guys.

"Ishani ----- ishu" someone shakes me and I finally gain my senses when inayat looks at me with apprehension.

"How are we supposed to stay here inu" I speak in a low voice and she cups my face.

"We'll keep a low profile and stay away from kiaan , then we're all sorted "
I nod and we walk towards the reception area to find archit .
"He's there" inayat speaks but my phone rings all of a sudden .

"Let me take the call " I voice and head inside the nearby room . My brother kavish is calling me because he's obviously concerned.

"I'm alright don't worry Mr anxious " I speak although my heart is pounding against my chest right now.

"Okay okay , I just wanted to make sure ishu " he speaks and I reply "no worries"

I hang up and when I'm about to walk towards the door my eyes land at shoes . Someone's shoes , no feet are on the table but his body is hidden behind the book shelf. I walk forward with trembling legs and my spine jerks upright when my eyes land at him sitting on a chair with his feet on a table in front of him . He gets up placing his white gucci sneakers on the floor and as he takes a step forward, I move back . Why do I always have to run into kiaan?

He keeps staring at me from top to bottom constantly cutting distance between us .

My back hits a shelf and so many books fall down. He places his hands as a shield above my head and thank god he did that . If anything hits my head I'll surely die . The doctor has told me take special care of it.

A heavy book hits my shoulder all of a sudden .
"Oww" I mewl .

"Did you get hurt " he slides my dress down my shoulder startling me .
I instantly push his hand away .

"Wha-- you can ask me , you don't need to actually see it " I adjust my clothes while his eyes get fixed at my butterfly pendant .I put it inside my dress .

"Why can't I " he deadpans "see? "

Seriously ? Does he even know there are things that he cannot do , there are limits and boundaries .

"You just can't, let me go " I side step him but he grabs my elbow and positions me back there .

"Don't dare to leave ultill I say so, Butterfly " he speaks firmly and I freeze.
He said he hates butterflies and now he is calling me that . I know you hate me , no need to be so obvious.

This time he slides two fingers under the chain of my pendant . My breathing almost stops when his fingers touch my collarbone .

He pulls the pendant out of my dress with his eyes fixed there . I place a hand on my neckline in case there is any cleavage. His gaze makes shivers run down my spine . Why am I here , what's going on ? Mr God?? Romance ni de skte to isse to dur rkho yaar.

He grabs my waist and I flinch . "W-what " I place my Palms on his chest to keep the distance .

I feel something cold on my thigh as he leaves my pendant which falls on my chest again.

When I look down it's GUN .

I freeze as he reloads it . My body goes numb .

"Here's the thing butterfly, now that you're here . If I see you talking to motherfuckers ." He bends forward. Almost my chest touches his chest as he rubs the gun tip on my skin.

"I'll kill each one of them , I don't care how many" he whispers and his breath makes me shiver.  I look into his eyes scared as hell .

All of a sudden his phone rings and he looks at the screen and then at me .

"See you around " and he struts out .

"Please don't see me again " I sigh and place a hand on my pounding heart .


Bhai please uski koi galti nhi Hai
( brother please , it was not his fault )

Mr God?? Romance ni de skte to isse to dur rkho yaar.
(Mr God if you're not giving me romance, at least keep him away from me )

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