22. Kiaan

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"Keep this with you and return it to me when we meet again . Okay ?" She speaks with tears in her eyes .

I nod and hug her "stupid little girl " I chuckle and she hits my chest with her fist .

She runs toward the black car waving a hand towards me and I look at her bag pack and her beautiful hair untill she vanishes from sight.

"I'll miss you silly " I mumble and walk towards the car. The Black daunting car that will take me back to that Mansion.

Throughout the journey I keep looking at the little blue butterfly she left with me and when the car comes to a hault I place it in a box and hide it under the car seat.

When I step a foot inside the Mansion , my dad sits on the far end of dining table while my brother is sitting next to him .

I look for my mom but she must be hiding somewhere.

"What did I tell you ivaan " my dad places his fork on the side and a fist under his chin .
My brother looks at him with wide eyes. The scary man lights a cigarette and my brother begins apologizing .

"Come here you punk " he orders me and I throw my bag on the couch to stroll towards the dining table . For the first time I'm not afraid of him , I'm numb .

While walking towards him my eyes land at my mom's photo in the hall , that says Late Mrs. Aradhya Raghuvanshi.

My heart freezes and I instantly look at Ivaan .

"What happened " I question abruptly and all he does is shifts his gaze towards dad .

"She might have fallen from the stairs or something "He speaks blowing out smoke . I clench my fist as my vision turns blurry with tears.

Be a strong boy kiaan , take all the pain and turn it into strength. Do it for your mom .

"You can't do simple calculations huh ?" He yells at Ivaan and grabs his hand to place the burning cigarette on his palm. Instantly I place my hand on his and sharp pain shoots at the back of my hand when my skin burns.

Ivaan gets up and exits the house and I walk towards my room with a burnt hand.

"Come back you bastards, come back here NOW " he screams and I lock the door from inside.

He kicks my door several times and then heads out of the house . After a while I hear a knock .

"Kiwi " she whispers " are you back " .
I get up and open the door to find my little sister .

"Yayyyy!! My favorite brother is back" she jumps on me .

"Did you lock your door every night ?" I question and she nods.

"I only open it when dad leaves and lock it instantly when he comes back " her eyes land at my wound "haww , who hurt my hero , I'll beat him left and right ." She looks for the first-aid kit .

"My crysie has grown up " I smile .

"Even you are back, when will mom come home ? " she asks and my smile fades away .

"I'm really scared of dad kiwi" she looks at me with teary eyes .

"I'll protect you crysie " I kiss her temple.

" you little brats " dad barges inside my room and my sister freezes .

"Finally " he speaks and grabs her arm ." The Rat is out of its hole . You're just like your mom " he smirks.

"Aren't you Crystal, always hiding in a corner ? You need to be taught a lesson "

He unbuckles his belt and my sister hides behind me .

"He'll kill me kiwi " she whispers and my mind goes numb for a moment . He grabs my arm and yanks me away from her . I fall on the ground and my eyes land at the dagger I've hidden under my study table . I pull it out as my dad hits his leather belt on the floor and crysie moves a step back .

"I'm--- so--rry da--d "

"It's too late little rat " he speaks and I get up .

I collect all my strength and sprint towards him as he raises his belt to hit her .

I drive the dagger through his back and blood splashes around us as I pull it out . Then I stab him unstoppable.

"I " (stab ) " hate" (stab) "you" ( stab ) . "Don't" ( stab ) "dare" ( stab )"Touch" (stab)"my" (stab)"crysie" .

"Kiaan " Ivaan screams and yanks me away .

"Dad " he checks the pulse but that man is dead already .

A smile comes on my face and my uncle comes into the room. They take crysie away and then dispose off that peice of shit from our lives.


She looks at me with wide eyes but thankfully no tears. I've already hit the limit of making her cry .

"He deserved it anyways " she grumbles and gets up from the couch she was sitting on .

"Now , what have you decided " I ask and she seems clueless .

"Are you still gonna reject me Ishi ?"

Her lips twitch for once but then she suppresses her smile and speaks "yeap , you've still not cleared the final exam "

I tilt my head to the side "I can do it now " my gaze bounces between her and the bed while she chuckles "Stop thinking dirty for once kiaan"

"Can't " I smile .

She takes out her phone and clicks a picture instantly "rare smile "

I lift my shirt upto my chest "got the abs you wanted "

Her cheeks turn red when she looks away and then voices "I was stupid back then "

"More like silly " I chuckle.

"My mum sent me a picture of a sketch I made earlier " she shows me her phone and it is a butterfly sketch.

"This is same to same with the tattoo on your chest " she looks at me with a question in her eyes .

"You drew it , I made it permanent " I take a closer look of the picture while her face has already turned pale.

"Right here" she points her finger at my chest and I nod .

"Ofcourse "

"rubbish " she takes away her phone .

"Let me remind you butterfly " I yank her closer to my chest and pick her up with her legs on both sides .

"Ki--aan" she looks at me with wide eyes and red cheeks . Her arms are wrapped around my neck as I pin her to the wall .

Back then I was sitting under the tree and she literally straddled me to draw her stupid drawings while I kept saying if someone sees us they'll faint.

"What if someone walks in " she looks at the half open door.

"I'll kill them " I smile and she pushes my temple with two fingers .

"I remember, I do , you can put me down now " she insists and I lay her on the bed .

"Your answer?" I question and she shakes her head .

" it's a No "

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