25. Ishani

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Kiaan stops to pay for the clothes while I walk out of the showroom .

"Hii" a guy looking like a school boy greets me  .

"You shouldn't be talking to me " I mumble and walk away .
Last time when a guy was talking to me , he was beaten to a pulp .

"Excuse me , aren't you Ishani Solanki "he voices and I stop to turn around.

"Someone wanted me to give you this , he literally put a gun on my temple and threatened me " he chuckles.

"Kiaan " I grumble and open the letter but my eyes turn wide.

"What's wrong " the guy questions and I immideatly speak "you better run before the guy dressed in a black shirt walks out . RUN!!! " I speak and he sprints away .

Dear Ishani Solanki
I'm really disheartened to know that I couldn't kill you eight Years back. Such a stubborn kid you are . Although I was happy that I wiped that asshole kiaan Raghuvanshi from your memories but I have come to know that you are gaining your memories back

So here's the thing Ishani baby, end the honeymoon period with him right away . Do whatever you can do to push him away unless you want me to kill you , your brother,  your family and your kiaan .

You very well know I'm capable of doing so .

Your dear assassin .

My hands shiver as I look around.  Someone places a hand on my shoulder and I instantly turn around.

"What ?" Kiaan questions with apprehension.

"Nothing " I crumble the paper in my hand and grab his arm to take him straight to the car .

"What's wrong butterfly?" He asks and I show him the letter .

He clenches his jaw and places the letter in his pocket.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it " he kisses my forhead and butterflies dance in my stomach.  I instantly push him away and he smiles.

We stop at a restaurant but on a table I find Abhimanyu and Crystal.

"Welcome Mr Raghuvanshi " the manager greets kiaan and at the same moment both of them turn around to look at us.

"Table for two at the second floor " kiaan speaks and we stroll towards the lift.

"There were empty tables " I speak and he looks up from his phone "my presence would make her uncomfortable " he smiles.

"And her presence would make me uncomfortable "I speak and he smiles "but I don't like it "

"What" I ask.

"This I'm not talking to you between my sister and my wife "

"Wait a freaking minute " I chuckle.

"Let's go " he grabs my arm and takes me towards the table .

We have dinner and he takes a call afterwards.  Untill then I stroll towards the washroom.

When I step a foot inside my shoulder collides with someone .


"I'm sorry " she speaks and we pick up each other's bags .

"No problem " I stroll inside but stop in my tracks "I'm sorry crysie " I voice but she doesn't turn around  .

Anyways I walk forward but she instantly hugs me and breaks down in tears .

"I'm sorry Ishu , I was so stupid . "

I cup her face and smile "all of us are stupid " I chuckle .

" I wanted to apologize to kiwi for everything but -- "

"But ?"

"I'm scared of him " she mumbles and I laugh .

"He's a jerk that way,  Who likes intimidating people "

"No he's the best brother of this whole world . I was angry that he had beaten up abhi but that doesn't justify whatever I did ."

"Come I'll take you to him " I speak but she shakes her head .
"Not now , I'll see you later okay and we are Twining at the engagement. Both will wear pink . Also, sorry from that stupid asshole that he used those words for you " she speaks and I chuckle as she walks out.

"I guess twining won't be possible " whispering I walk out.

When I and kiaan walk out of the restaurant,  he takes me on the glass bridge once again .

We spend sometime talking and then he takes me back home.


For Zara's engagement we go to Archit's house which is the venue ofcourse and walking in this saree has been the toughest part . Also , people are asking me continously about this thing . I received a lot of compliments but not the one I'm waiting for .

Shut up ishani .
Archit's home had forever been  my Vaccation home and I'm really closer to their family.

When we walk down to the hall of guests my eyes search for someone and finally I find him dressed in a black suit looking drop dead gorgeous . Most of the girls are drooling over him which makes my blood boil .

I stand with the girls and Crystal's face is pale because of her brother's presence.  Kiaan doesn't have very friendly relations with archit but he's here because of me obviously. I flip my hair back.

"Come on chill , it's not like he'll issue your death sentence here , he just tries to intimate you" I tell Crystal and she forces a smile .

Although she feels guilty but kiaan is no saint himself. Along with the six pack abs he has made a lot of additional changes to his personality over time which pull me towards him even more . Guess I have deviant tastes.

"Relax Zara enjoy your day "shru says and I see a guy walking towards me . I've seen him somewhere but I can't recall .

"Hii ishani , you're all grown up, saree and all huh ? " he stretches his hand for a formal handshake.
"You don't remember me ? We used to ride bicycle as kids when you came here in vacations ." He chuckles and now I know who he is .

"Ohh Rehaan " I grin and I'm about to take his hand when a strong mascular arm stretches from behind me .

Thr fabric of his shirt brushes againt my bare back making chills run down my spine and My center throbs.

"Hii " the guy forces a smile and he obviously is frightened .

All of a sudden his face turns pale when kiaan tightens his grip and I literally hear bones cracking .

"Kiaan let him go "I whisper  " sure thing " he smirks.

A man from his team helps him sanitize his hand and he pours some on my hand and speaks "germophobia "

After that Mr jealous and  arrogant walks away while I rub my palms together .

"I'm so done with this guy " I walk away from the girls who were drilling holes in my body with their gaze . Throughout the party he keeps staring at me . I walk towards a corner but by mistake I place a foot on the saree .

"Ohh shit "

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