31. Ishani

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Trigger Warning 🔞-: this chapter contains sexual content that might be unsuitable to some readers.

He shuts the car door while I keep looking at the phone screen to avoid eye contact with him right now . All of a sudden he grabs my thigh with one hand pulling me closer to him .

Ishani : he's lying .

Zara : I doubt that .

Shru : and if it's true get a room sweetie you're gonna get too old otherwise .

His fingers brush against my skin and my heart begins pounding against my chest .

He looks at his phone and a smirk comes up on his lips before he begins typing but I  snatch the phone away and shut the chat . I place both of our phones down and he brushes his fingers on my inner thighs making me shiver .

When the car stops in front of the Mansion he pulls me closer and kisses  me . More like sucks the life out of me . He picks me up bridal style and strolls inside . Contradicting to my prior visits here,  no guard or nobody is present at the front door .

We reach his room and he kicks the door in while chilled air makes my cheek red .

"Didn't you turn off the air conditioner " I question as he lays me on the bed carefully .

I take the blanket and cover my bare legs with it  but he snatches it away and then throws his t-shirt away . His butterfly tattoo makes him look even more sexy and the fact that it's my drawing makes butterflies dance in my stomach .

He hovers over me as I slide up towards the headboard. Our lips connect and his hands travel up in my shirt.

He moves away and looks at me with a firm expression and lust in the eyes . My center throbs by the way his eyes drill holes in my body . He looks at me as if he owns me .

"You are my little Butterfly , the most beautiful and the most sexy woman I've ever seen . You are mine , only mine " he kisses my forhead .

"Don't you dare hurt me " I pout and he gives me a lusty smile .

"How can a monster not hurt his Butterfly in bed ?"

My heart freezes as he cups my face " but I'll try my best baby" .

His hands reach up to the hook of my bra inside my shirt . He unclasps it and pulls my bra out .

"Now unbutton the shirt , I should be able to see everything "

A shiver runs down my spine when he orders me to do so . When I saw him first at the race track I couldn't ever think of imagining him to order me undress myself for him .

With shivering hands I start unbuttoning my shirt while he keeps his eyes set on my face . His dark black eyes then focus down at my chest . My pendant .
With the last button I make eye-contact with him .

"Fuck " he yanks me towards him and kisses me everywhere . I'm completely wet and shivering in his arms by then. He pins me to the bed and grabs my right breast as he kisses the left one . He sucks at it hard and I arch my back .

Without my realization , he swiftly removes all my clothes and my naked body looks so small in his strong arms and under his well built frame. I still have my necklace on while he puts the second butterfly back on it .

He kisses my stomach and moves down while I grab the sheets with both hands and fuck ! I feel like I'm alive but lifeless.  I'm in another universe.

"Spread your legs for me butterfly " he orders and I squeeze my eyes shut .

"Kiaan "

"Hmm butterfly "

"What are you gonna do " I ask in a low voice as he stands in front of the bed .

He smirks before saying "I'm gonna eat you baby"

I cover my face with both my Palms and he holds my feet and moves them apart .

Just then I feel his hot breath on my pussy.
I'm just gonna die if he keeps doing that but instead he licks me .

"Ohh fuck , ki--aan "

He holds my thighs to prevent me from shutting my legs and sucks at my center . His toungue flicks my folds and my clit and  I'm done for . But he doesn't stop , his toungue enters inside me and he sucks harder .

I earlier said I don't want him to hurt me , but now I do .

"Just put it in already " I almost scream and he chuckles.

He hovers over me and kisses me .

"Before it,  know that I love you and I'd never love any human being on earth as much as I love you ishi . "

I take a deep breath and kiss his lips before speaking " I love you too kiaan , I love you so much "
His eyes lit up with happiness and he kisses my forhead .

"I'm not letting you sleep for even a fucking second tonight my silly girl " he speaks making me blush .

He parts my thighs and I squeeze my eyes when he enters inside me slowly. 

I take deep breaths as my vagina tries to adjust to his length .

"It hurts so bad " I mumble and he kisses me again .

"I promise it will be hundred times more pleasurable "

He begins moving in and out slowly and waves of pleasure shoot at my center . I grab the sheets as with every push he hits a spot inside me . I travel into paradise and my vision turns blurry and all I see is white light when a moan skips my mouth .

"You're gonna kill me sexy lady " he groans and I chuckle.

"I love you " I speak as he lays near me on the bed .

"Is this some kind of bribe to let you sleep? I won't butterfly.  I wonder if I ever will stop "

"Shut up you flirt " I hit his chest and he pulls me closer . I kiss his butterfly tattoo .

"I love you too ishani " he says my complete name and everytime he does that it's the best feeling ever .

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