11. Kiaan

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Here's the much awaited chapter . Kiaan's Pov -:

We are a mess, you and I
but the truth
My butterfly ,
Is that you captivate me in the ways that no soul
Ever will............

It is dangerous for you more than me myself. That day you made a mistake . A big fucking mistake . You shouldn't have stopped me and shouldn't have made that fucking promise because now your custom-made monster will stop at nothing to fulfill it .

Warm water falls down on my body as I shut my eyes and whenever I do that , I can see those fucking arms wrapped around her . My butterfly covered in his jacket and he smiling at her . She returning even warmer smile to him as he calls her his fucking favorite. Cutipie?


What does it make me if I'm insecure of my friend ? What does she see in him that she smiles at him ?

"Fuck , she's driving me crazy" I push the glass and walk out of the shower . Grab a pair of trousers , boxers and a towel and walk out after getting dressed .

Rubbing my hair with the towel,  I stroll in the bedroom and for once she looks at me and her cheeks turn red like cherries which makes me psyched.

She instantly removes her focus from me and places a freaking pen between her lips while her eyes are fixed at the book in front of her.

I walk towards her and snatch the pen "Stop doing that "

"Why , what's your problem" she looks up at me with those chocolate brown eyes.

Because it makes me think dirty and you little lady will be frightened as fuck if I let you know what I've been thinking.

"It's a fucking unhygienic habit " I place the pen on the sidetable and fall on the bed next to her or more precisely her books.

"Move " she picks a notebook "my books are uncomfortable because of you "

"Your " I raise my brows " book are uncomfortable? "

"Obvio ! When these things make our life easy we should also care about them "

That makes me burst out in laughter. She's unbelievable.  Now she even cares about non-living things ? Most  definitely the sweetest person on earth is she.
She smiles and keeps looking at me as if she can't believe her eyes .

"I didn't know you could laugh so much"
"Sil--" and I freeze , clear my throat to speak " dimwit"

" what " she looks at me with wide eyes .

"That's what I'll call you " My gaze keeps shifting to her lips but I try to maintain eye-contact .

"Don't " she deadpans .

"I will "

"No kiaan" she pouts and I can't express how adorable she is . How good my name sounds from that pretty mouth.

"Yes butterfly , ohh no correction,  yes dimwit " I chuckle.
"I'm so gonna kill you " she speaks louder .

Ohh you already did.

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"My brother will kill you, he's super dangerous , like super duper dangerous " she speaks as I stack her books one over the other .

"Are you talking about the kavish Solanki I know? " I chuckle "He's such a pathetic looser , all of them are"

They are all zero in front of your man .

"Don't talk like that , you reak of smug and cockiness " she rolls her eyes  .

"I do because that's a universal fact dimwit "

"Stop that " she screams and all of a sudden squeezes her eyes shut .

"Hey , hey butterfly " I hold her hands and she frees them to cover her ears .

"Noo--noo" she screams "I'm fine , I am fine " she inhales and exhales as I keep my eyes fixed at her .

She gets up and walks towards the room divider,  slides it open and picks her bag from the bed . She fetches a medicine container and takes a pill.

I saw those pills today and after a little bit of research and inquiry,  I came to know they are for destabilizing fearful memories and suppressing nightmares , bad thoughts and migranes too .

"What are these for " I question taking the bottle away .

"T-that has  n-nothing to do with you " She snatches the bottle away.

"Butterfly? Do you want your pendant back?"

She nods slowly and mumbles " I had a memory loss and now my memories are coming back which I don't want " she looks up at me with a smile " happy now ?" And walks back to my room while I keep standing there .

"Why do you not want them back " I question louder as she checks the drawers for her pendant .

"Because they are not important " she turns to look at me and I stroll closer " and this will have a bad effect on my already critical health"

I lay on my bed and look at the ceiling.

"No matter how important the memories are , they can never be important than you"

She looks at me with wide eyes and comes in front of the bed , looking at me lying on it .

" what did you just say ?" She huffs and chuckles as a very bad thought comes to my mind when  we are in a position like this.

No kiaan don't

Don't do it .


I push her leg with my foot making her fall on me . She looks at me with completely red cheeks.

"What are you doing" she tries to get up but I wrap my arms around her .

My arms around her . Not of some other fucker .

She tries tossing to the side and I let her without freeing her from my hold.

"What did you see just now " I ask and she looks clueless.

"Why do you want to know Mr monster , stop being so interested in me "

"Do you want your necklace dimwit" I deadpan .

"Ughh!  Did anyone ever tell you that you are a manipulate a---"

I yank her closer and she freezes .

"Go on" I speak with my eyes fixed at her lips. They have always been the first pointer of my torment .

"Sorry " she pouts and her lips look even more beautiful.

No kiaan don't do it.

She literally and instantly is gonna run away.

"I ---" she moves a little away placing her palm at my chest.

"There were flowers and a lake  . I was sitting on a swing ." She speaks looking confused .

"And ? " I question inhaling her seductive fragrance.

"The conversation was something very similar to what we had now . Maybe that triggered it "

She keeps speaking and I keep looking at her pretty face .

She wants to kill her memories to live today and I have to kill myself everyday watching her do it.

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