28. Ishani

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"WHATTTTT!!!!! " I scream as Zain grins .

"You want me to go to that haunted garden at this time are you crazy "

"You picked a dare because you didn't want to reveal what's between you and kiaan so yes , I will send you to the haunted garden ."

There is a garden in their town which had been my nightmare. They want me to bring a flower from there at this time.


"Let's go." Kiaan gets up.

"Yes ,he can help you nobody will mind I'm sure " shru speaks and thank god .

He smiles as I wear my slippers and we both walk down the stairs .

"Sachi me chudail hai vha pe "I mumble and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Acha ?"

"Ye mzaak chalra hai ? Nhi mzaak chalra hai kya ye" I ask and he chuckles.

"No sorry "

We take his car to reach the garden . When I look at the bench my heart sinks to my stomach . That's where the ghosts sleep. I really don't want to die like this .

"Come out " he literally drags me out of the car as I clutch at his arm.

"Ki--aan" I whisper.


"Let's go back "

"Not untill we take the flower , there it is , go take it" he speaks and my legs tremble .

"You go get it " I push him away and he nods before plucking a flower but he keeps walking deep inside the garden .

"Kiaan where are you going "I whisper yell but he doesn't stop .

"Kiaan " I scream and he stops and looks over his shoulder.

"I'm searching for the ghost "

"Are you crazy , come back " I'm literally about to cry right now.

"Kiaan please Let's go back"

"Say yes " he speaks .
"Are you mad or what, this is not the place to ask"

"If you accept this flower I'll take it as a yes " he says standing far in the dark.

"Crazy guy " I mumble." I'm going back" I turn around and I freeze looking at the dark road .

I can't walk on my own.

"You'll always need me butterfly " he speaks and I roll my eyes.

"If I stay single after one more minute I'm gonna drag you in here "

"You crazy manipulative asshole " I scream .

"Thirty seconds "

" kiaaannnnn!!! "

Urghh ! I sprint towards him and take the flower as he picks me in his arms .

"I love you dimwit"

"You are Manipulative . I hate you kiaan"

" doesn't matter but You've always been mine butterfly, you just didn't remember it " he kisses my forhead .

"Now let's go back "

"Okay girlfriend " he smiles and we walk back towards the car.

When we reach back , they play a horror movie . I crawl into Shruti's blanket and hide half of my face . From the dark corner of the room, I can see kiaan's eyes fixed at me although he's sitting far away from me.

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