29. Ishani

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I stand in front of the stall . Today our summer camp has a Fair . My eyes land at a big blue coloured glass butterfly.

"It is really beautiful " I speak and as usual kiaan doesn't notice .

"Hey grumpy , I want that " I pout as he finnaly looks up .

"Throw the ring and get it for me " I plead and he picks up a ring. With one swift movement, he gets the butterfly.

"Yaaayyyyy!! " I clap my hands as he smiles.

"I'm gonna keep it in my room forever "I say but suddenly someone hits me with their shoulder and the glass butterfly falls down cracking into so many pieces .

"Oopsy, sorry ishani " a girl mocks and all others laugh walking away . They envy me because of kiaan . I squat on the floor as tears fill my eyes .

"I hate them " I sob and kiaan looks at me with apprehension.

"Don't cry silly it was not that precious"

"It was for me , it was your first gift to me " I sob and run away. I spend the night crying but at about 2 am . I hear someone screaming .

When I walk out , the girls are running out .

"Scorpions , there are so many scorpions in our room" a girl cries while I follow them out .

"Mam where is kiaan" I ask and she points towards the lake . He's sitting by the lake at this time ?

"I told him to come inside but he's stubborn "

I rush towards him and he's busy doing something.

"What are you doing grumpy" I question and he pulls me down.

He shows me two little Butterfly pendants which are even more beautiful than the butterfly showpiece that broke.

"You made these " I scream out of joy .

"They won't even break " he speaks and I instantly move forward to kiss his cheek but he turns towards me abruptly and my lips crash on his .

I flinch and pull away instantly .

"Tha--thank you" I stutter and he smiles.

"Take this " he removes his chain and puts them into it .

I wear it and it looks so beautiful.

"Did you? " I look at the girls standing outside the building and he nods .

"They made you cry "

"What will you do in future if people hurt me grumpy . You won't be with me always ."

"I will be "

"How ? You'll marry me ?"

He looks at me clueless but then gives a sharp nod "I'll think about it ."

I chuckle as we keep sitting there .

Keep this with you and return it to me when we meet again . Okay ?

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