26. kiaan

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She seems really uncomfortable standing in a corner so I tell Ivaan I'll be back and stroll towards her . I can't leave her alone for even a second after I read that letter . It is now obvious that one of my rivals is behind her now and that's maybe the reason why he shot her .

I keep precious people at an arm's length because kiaan Raghuvanshi comes with deadly terms and conditions. I've kept Crystal away only because of this and now my butterfly is being targeted. I'm seriously gonna kill that bastard . No doubt about that .

"What's wrong dimwit " I question and her face is pale like a ghost. Although she still looks cute , I question "what ?"

She is holding her saree with with both hands and now I know what she did .

"Help me " she whispers.

"What will I get " I smirk.

"Stupid thug, stop trying to take advantage of the situation " she whisper yells.

"You don't need help ?fine " I pretend to walk away but my eyes land at tons of guests present here so I change my mind to tease her and pick her up .

We reach inside a room and I make her sit on a bed .

"Now go away " she waves her hand .

"No chance " I fall on the bed next to her while she gives me a double eye roll .

"I would punch you in the face if my hands were free" she speaks making me laugh .

"Thank god , I'll live a few more years "

"Kiaaaannnnn" she screams .

"If you scream like that people outside will get the wrong idea"

"Waao , firstly you force me to wear complicated clothes, then you break bones of an innocent guy and now you won't let me adjust the freaking saree"

"Did I stop you, carry on " I lean again the headboard of the bed .

"Shameless " she grumbles and gets up to adjust the pleats and while she does that I get a clear view of her back .

"Do you know how torturous this is " I grumble and she chuckles "serves you right "

"Is it ? " I get up and hold her from behind. She freezes instantly as I kiss the side of her neck and her back .

"Wha-t are y-ou doi-ng" she asks as I tighten my grip on her waist .

"Stop tormenting me butterfly " I whisper and she fliches . "Just say yes"

"Stop touching me " she mumbles.

"Why" I kiss her cheek .

"Just let me go kiaan " she tries to pull away but instantly someone knocks at the door .

"Ishu are you in there ? " Archit's mom speaks.

"Yes aunty " she pushes me away and adjusts her clothes.

"Hide somewhere " she whispers and I roll my eyes when she pushes me behind a curtain .

She opens the door and the lady comes in.

"I kept the flowers here" she voices and begins searching for them.

"I stepped on the pleats of my saree"

"Let me ask you something " she instantly turns towards ishi and questions " that , handosme guy down there , is he your boyfriend. I can tell by the way he looks at you"

"No whoooo?? " She almost yells.

"What's his name , ummm yes Raghuvanshi, kiaan Raghuvanshi . Isn't he such a good looking guy . He looks so good with you "

Yeah put some sense inside her .

"No aunty not at all " she slightly blushes and then walks away with the lady who keeps saying " should I set you up with him ?"

I'm about to exit the room and all of a sudden my eyes land at Ivaan through the window. He's standing with a girl, Archit's sister again .

She has tears in her eyes while he's yelling at her . He abruptly slaps her across the face and my eyes turn wide . I sprint downstairs . Someone blocks my way out .

"Aliza I don't have time to waste "

"Kiaan , I just have a little thing to ask "

"Shut the fuck up " I shove her aside and reach the garden area .

"Keep your damn mouth shut " he growls.

"IVAAN!!!! " I snarl and he turns into a stone once he sees me .

The girl strides away while I grab my brother by the collars .

"You crazy punk , why did you hit the girl "I growl and he pushes me away.

"She was planning something againt your butterfly with her sister "

"What " I look over my shoulder .

"Thank me later " he voices strolling inside .

"I'm not stupid big brother " I take out my phone and ask my personal detective to find out what Ivaan has been doing behind my back .

After a while of getting bored in the party, I text her .

Kiaan : where are you ?

Ishi: out with girls . Wanna join ? *laughing emogi*

Kiaan : sure , send me your location.

Ishi : are you mad ?

Kiaan : are you mad ? You dimwit . I told you not to walk out alone .

Ishi: relax , I'm with the girls and archit has sent a driver because he didn't trust the driving of anyone of us .

Kiaan : come back before it gets dark and one more thing , hold your clothes tight.

Ishi: shut up.

I place my phone inside my pocket when I see all the guys walking inside a room . I reach in front of it.

"You are not welcomed here" kavish speaks and I smile "want me to ruin the damn party ?"

"Man, how can anyone be Manipulative to such extent " Zain Says as I stroll inside.

"Can you sit on a mattress my lord ?."devansh mocks as I take a pillow and sit on the mattress in a far corner .

"Stop being arrogant " abhimanyu throws a pillow at his face .

"Trying to earn a few points from brother in Law?" Shivay chuckles.

"Ofcourse " abhimanyu speaks and sits next to me .

"Traitor " Zain throws a pillow at his face .

"When will they be back ?" I ask abhimanyu and the room turns silent .

"Someone is missing a certain cute girl "Zain chuckles.

"Call her cute once more and I break your teeth" I glare at him .

"See everyone of us are unsafe around him "devansh speaks .

"Shut up little princess "shivay mumbles.

If I use my observation skills then shivay is the most silent Here . He's the silent scheming types . A maniac .

Abhimanyu can't control his anger which is one thing and Shivay is a silent predator .

"When will you be back butterfly" I mumble and abhimanyu instantly turns towards me .

He chuckles "I'll text Crystal to come back soon"

"Did I hurt your pretty face " I hold his chin to look at the side of his face and he pulls away
"I'm not your little sister " he mumbles and I laugh.

" he laughed " Zain almost makes me deaf.

"He laughed " Abhimanyu joins the screaming .

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