25- First day on the job.

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K: shirt will be at the store, no shorts allowed.

Yn: alright thank you .

Sunoo walked to her to the store.

"Good luck!" "Thanks sunoo! Good luck with sunghoon!" He blushed. "I try I try."

She entered the store.

"Come behind here."

She went behind the counter.

"Here's your shirt. After you switch I will show you around. BAEKHO!"

A tall guy came out from the back.

"I need you to watch the store while I show our new employee around."

"Okay. Hey I'm baekho." His voice was really deep.

"Hi." She said shyly.

K pointed her to the bathroom .

She changed and returned.

"Here is where you clock in which I'll do for you. "

They went to the next room. "Our stock room. Don't worry about trucks and all that. atleast for now. " She nodded.

"The rest of the store is our products . I have to do something so baekho will show you how to use the register." She nodded.

She stood next to baekho.

"Yoon Baekho. "

"Fn Ln."

"It's really like really easy to work." He went to the main menu.

"Just scan and bag. Id for people under 30."

"Got it."

The bells rung a customer came in.

He went to the counter.

"Nicholas!! Oh my god hi!!"she jumped.

Nicholas chucked .

"Hey baby." He said eyeing the guy for a quick second.

"Welcome to our store." The guy greeted.


"How is it?" Nicholas asked her.

"Well he just showed me around. And now I'm here!"

The bells rung and a customer stood behind Nicholas.

"You look so cute in that shirt! I'm so proud. " .

"Aw thank you."

Nicholas gestured her to come closer.

"I think you'd look better with it off." He licked his lips, checking her out.

"Nicho." She said embarrassed, feeling weak under his gaze.

"One moment." Baekho said to the customer behind them who was getting impatient.

Nicholas put his index finger on the side of her face. "You know, tonight we can celebrate." He bit his lip. "How?" She asked.

"Just me and you. Together. Alone. Naked."

She almost jumped out of her skin. "Nicho.". She tried to ignore the arousal building in her. But she couldn't. She just wished she could go home and fix it. .
She squeezed her thighs together.

"Really?" She believed him but she couldn't believe he was doing this right now in the front of the store.

"Really." He replied doing a inappropriate toungue gesture with his fingers.  Her eyes widended and he laughed.

She froze like a deer in headlights.
"Have a good day at work!" He said leaving. "Nicholas!!" She whined.

"Bye!!!" He waved pushing the door open to leave.

She huffed.  "Are you new here?" The customer asked. "Oh yeah ..ah yeah. It's my first day. Sorry about that. I don't know why he took so long." "I'm in a rush marbolo lights."

"Oh!" She turned around and baekho handed her it.

Then she finished with the order .

The store was empty.

"You know you can't do that right?" Baekho said.

"I know. I mean he was just saying hi right?"

"That your boyfriend?"

"Yes!?please don't tell k."

"I won't it's not that big of a deal "


Baekho went to make the store neater.

She thought about what Nicholas said.
She wanted to fight him.
The way he bites his lips and raises his eyebrows. She just wanted to jump on him and kiss him.

Then she started to think. How good could he eat her out? Would it be like last time? She shook her head. "Nope." She said to herself. But it circled back. She could basically feel his toungue right in between her folds right now.

Her stomach twisted and churned and she got pissed. 'why would he do that.'

The store bells rung. She looked up from the counter.

The girl from the park.

Yn wish she had a slushie.

"Oh you work here. Of course. "

"Oh you shop here of course."

"Whore." The girl whispered. Yn laughed. "You mad?"

Baekho overheard and came over.
"What's going on?"

"Oh nothing. "

"Your employee is being rude!"

"She's lying. She just doesn't like me."

"I'll take care of this one."

Then yn spent most of her time organizing the stock room.


7pm she was freed. K had to stay though.

"I probably smell like food." She said to herself . She entered the apartment lobby and went upstairs.


"Oh what's this?" She questioned seeing a bottle of wine on the counter.

"It's for sunghoon. I told him to come over. So you're gonna have to go!"

"Ouch sunoo! I don't mind though, more time with Nicholas."

"Sorry! I should've told you but it was last minute. Also how was work?"

Sunoo put a hand on his hip.

"Easy. That ugly bi- girl from the park came in. "

"What did she say?"

"Tried to get me in trouble but it didn't work. Besides that Nicholas came in and distracted me." She groaned in annoyance.

"What did he do?"

"He flirted with me for like 2 minutes. I just remembered we're supposed to celebrate tonight."

"I need to shower."

"So. Um hey girlie. He's gonna be here like in a minute. You think you could shower over there."

"Oh yeah anything for your date thing. I don't mind . " She ran to her room.

Sunoo paced around the room.
This would a normal hangout session right? Maybe he should just kiss him on the mouth like yn said. "No.".Sunoo said to himself out loud.

"Good luck sunoo!" She waved exiting. "Thanks!"

On her way out she passed sunghoon . Which she greeted. "Hello yn." "Hello."


A/N: okay but you guys don't understand how much I love this chapter.

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