28- 많은 마리(Many Animals)

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Road trip gc

K: I'm a little scared

Yuma: why??

K: Nicholas seems way too happy. Even for him on a good day.

Yuma: that's good though

K: no it's scary

K: we took an Uber to the car dealership place and he told the salesman to 'do whatever makes him happy' and I smacked him

Jake: 💀💀

K: I'm not joking this man has been smiling for a straight 30 minutes. Which one of you gave him drugs?

Jake: my bad bro

K: shut up

Fuma: well I like that he's happy

Yuma: yeah!!

When the three returned home. K went to ej.."so what's up with him."

"Im not sure."

"I'm gonna ask." K said..
Ej nodded.

K went into his room.

"Why the hell are you so happy?"

"Is it a crime?"


"Well if you askkk."

Nicholas showed him his lockscreen.

It was a picture of yn in his shirt.

"One." .
"One?" K leaned into to see the picture. He noticed the hickeys
"I can count like-"
"Two. She is so pretty and so cute , especially the noises  -"
"Uh stop. Right there. " K looked at him like he was mental.
"Three. We showered together. And I can't believe I'm so lucky!"

"Okay so this is because of yn?"

He nodded. .

"Well congrats. How much longer is this smile thing going to happen?" "I can't even smile wow kei." "No you cannot."

Yuma and yn went to the convience store. They were gonna film a video together later. Right before they entered the holding Yuma bumped into her harshly because someone rode a bike past them. And she dropped he monster. "No!" She gasped. She dropped to the floor to watch it bleed.

"Sorry yn!"

She put a finger on the ground and licked it. "Goodbye."

"I'll get a new one!"

"My monster!" She fake cried.

"Oh my monster!what am I going to do!" She started thrashing.

Yuma stepped away.

"I said I'll get a new one."

"Right now?" She stopped.

"Yes! Nicholas leaves some in our fridge."

"My boyfriend likes monster? Let's go take it ."

After she got the replacement they went to Jakes apartment.

Niki ,harua,maki and Taki were there.

"Guys. How much do you guys like exotic pets." Niki said.

"Isn't that illegal?" Harua asked.

"No. He has a license. " A license that allowed him to have one kind of pet.

"What kind of pets?" Yn asked.

"Pigs bunnies snakes hamsters gators birds fish."

"Sounds troublesome. But I want a hamster." Maki said.

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