71- Blackout

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Warning: Conseual Somnophilia 🍎. Marked by apple to skip.

The next day there would be a 24 hour blackout.


Sunoo opened the door and sunghoon came in.

"I figured." Yn mumbled. Yn waved to sunghoon and sunghoon greeted her.

"I wonder how nicholas is doing now."

Her phone went off.

"Baby how are you! "

"im good. "

"Come over to play games with us!!"

"alright Nicholas on my way."


She arrived at the apartment that got lit with flashlights. People greeted her and she greeted them back.

She took a seat next to Nicholas. Who was wearing a tank top. "You like nice today yixiang. A bit too nice." She whispered. "I do look good don't I." He grinned.

Jake and Sunghoon were checking the games.

"There's alcohol!" He whispered with a grin.

"oh good.... "

"none of the kids are here."

"okay I feel like you're trying to insinuate something ."

"maybe I am yn." He giggled.

She tched.

K worked in the kitchen with jay setting up fruit alcohol drinks.

"is he here?" She asked.

"who?" Nicholas asked fixing his position so his head laid in her lap.


"Do you want him to be here?"

"no I was just curious!"

"He's busy."

Which meant Nicholas kicked him out.

"okay good good."

The door opened revealing hanbin.

"this is my friend hanbin. Me him and Niki did a dance group a while ago."

"oh that's so cool!"

Hanbin took a seat next to Nicholas.

"hello nicholas' girlfriend! He's told me a lot about you !" Hanbin stuck his hand out.

"I hope appropriate ." She shook his hand


"He showed me a bunch of pictures of you eating and they're really funny and cute!" He laughed.

"oh." She blushed.

"I didn't know." She gripped Nicholas shoulder.

Jake and Sunghoon returned with a drinking uno.

"sit up." She whispered to Nicholas and he listened.

"Special drinking uno." Jake shook the box. "I'll read the instructions when everyone is here."

Everyone nodded.

"I'm cold. Nicholas what's wrong with your apartment?"

"Im not sure baby. I'll be back."

He soon returned with a blanket.

"thanks!" She smiled. He placed a kiss on her forehead and she blushed.

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