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"Well you two took an awful long time." Ezra smirked as he held the kids, waist deep in the water. I shot daggers at him as I took my shorts off and toed off my flip flops.

"Mommy, why is your butt so red?" Jasmine asked me. My face heated up when Jack smirked and looked at me. 

"Yeah, why so red?" Jack asked, a grin plastered on his face. 

"Well, Uh.. I got a bug bite and it itches." I said with a shrug. Jack rolled his eyes and took his shirt off. 

"Nice scratches you got there, Jack." Phoenix said while stifling a laugh, I didn't bother to stifle mine.

"Thank you, Phoenix." Jack said with a proud grin. Men. I rolled my eyes and took Noah from Ezra's arms, kissing his cheeks and dipping him into the water. After fishing and roasting marshmallows, even early in the day, we decided it was time to pack up and head back home. We weren't too far from Seattle, we were around Wenatchee-ish. 

The drive home was rainy and quiet, Jack's palm on my tan thigh, his calloused fingers massaging the skin gently. The only sound in the car was the rain drumming on the windshield and the soft snores in the back seat. Jack looked over at me and smiled, the little dimples on each side of his mouth showed, which was rare. 

"I am so in love with you, beautiful beautiful girl." He said, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing the skin. My heart dropped to my stomach and my cheeks warmed. 

"I love you too, thank you." I smiled his hand going right back to my thigh. I traced every line on his hand, his veins bulging and knuckles calloused. The two-and-a-half hour drive wasn't too bad, the storm quickened with thunder and lightening, thank god we packed up before this happened. By the time we got home it was dinner time, and the kids were still asleep, so we carried them up to our bed and let them sleep off all the energy they burned this weekend. While we were cooking dinner, Jack came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder.  

"So.. I think we should start planning the wedding. Like, I think we should pick a date." He said, his lips pecking my neck between each sentence. 

"Right now?" I questioned. 

"Right now." He replied. I shrugged my shoulders and leaned my head back on his, his stubble gently brushing my skin with each movement. 

"How about... August 16th." He said, biting my cheek playfully right after.

"August 16th is perfect. We can hire a wedding planner tomorrow." I said, as he agreed and continued to help me cook. The kids woke up just before we ate, perfect timing actually. After eating, we tucked them in and put on a movie for them and they went back to sleep, thank god. 

Now, I'm pressed between Jack and the couch, his arms pinning mine against the cool leather. His lips attacked mine playfully but sensually, his groin pinning me down most of all. My shirt was thrown across the room and onto the lampshade by his bookshelf, bare chest pressed against his clothed one. 

"I want you." I whispered while trailing my hand up his shirt. He climbed off of me and pulled his pants off, his half-hard length still quite big. He sat next to me on the couch. I grabbed his length and pumped it to get it completely hard before sliding off the couch and taking him into my mouth. I sucked in my cheeks and fluttered my lashes up at him, his thumb brushing my cheekbone, with a look of sheer amazement on his face. I flicked my tongue and took him deeper than usual, his jaw clenched, along with his knuckles. Little footsteps cascaded down the staircase, until a very sleepy Noah came into view. 

"Mommy," He whispered, rubbing his eyes. "I sleepy." He said. I threw on a hoody that was on the floor by the couch. 

"Come here baby." I said as I scooped him into my arms, turning away from Jack so he could get situated. I put some milk in a bottle and microwaved it until it was lukewarm and carried him up to his bedroom and tucked him in, and before I knew it, he was out like a light. I tip-toed back downstairs to Jack, who was chopping fruit. 

"What the fuck're you doing?" I whispered, taking my pants off. It's hot, don't judge me. He smiled and scooped pineapple and strawberries onto a plate with a dollop of cool whip on the side. 

"We're gonna eat some muthafuckin fruit, watch a muthafuckin movie, and muthafuckin cuddle. You down, bitch?" He said. By now, I was nearly in tears from laughing before pecking his lips, giggles still escaping. 

"Deal. But, don't call me a bitch again, or i'll punish you." I said, biting down on a strawberry before walking past him, leaving him dazed and unconditionally in love. 


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