part XXXVI

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Teacher Gilinsky — Chapter XXXVI

Alaska's Point of View ~

I wiped the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand, ridding my skin of the remainder of Jack's cum, and my saliva.

"Thank you, baby girl. You know how weak I am under that tongue." He said, taking a gentle fist full of my hair and kissing my cheek. I weakly smiled up at him and got up to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

"How was lunch with uh, with Michael?" Jack called from the doorway, utter disgust apparent on his face.

I half-laughed, toothpaste exiting my swollen lips onto my chin.

"You've been spending an awful lot of time with him," He grimaces, "I miss you."

I sighed and spit the toothpaste foam into the sink before rinsing the brush,

"I miss you too, bug. It's just been chaotic with your work, my being pregnant, and all of my appointments. I'm really grateful that Michael is able to take me when you can't and making sure I'm fed." I objected, a bit more harsh than intended.

"I understand, Alaska, but that's my job. I'm your man and you are my love." He barked back. "He wants you and we both know it, and you've done nothing but feed into it!" He nearly shouted.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! I've done nothing but be rewardingly faithful to you and haven't always received the same in return. If I have a friend who happens to be of the opposite sex that is willing to take me where I need to be and support me, I'll take it," My bottom lip trembled, my eyes began to burn as I attempt to keep my tears at bay. 'Rewardingly faithful' My subconscious sneered at me. 'Except for the kiss with Michael' she chortled. Bitch.

"—and lunch was great, by the way." I concluded, shuffling past him out of the bathroom, merely shutting the door in his face with a brisk slam.

The tears I unsuccessfully attempted to hold back broke their way through, masking my face with a damp trail of salt-water. The pressure of my baby-filled belly reminds me I'm not alone, even if it feels that way. I sat on the edge of Jasmine's bed for what felt like hours rubbing my belly and cooing to baby. When Jack found out we were having another girl, he was ecstatic, so it seemed. His eyes lit up with joy and the corners of his lips tugged up into a full smile. My excitement began to grow with his infatuation but over time, it faded, then dulled completely.

Every time I mentioned our little peach-pit he almost seemed annoyed. Subtle scoffs, faint eyerolling, and more 'mhm's. Oddly enough, the wedding planning increased. By A LOT. Everyday he would ask me, "Have you talked to Madison? About what? Did you confirm colors?" But only a month later did I realize the it was because he had slept with her during my last pregnancy and he was worried she'd blab.

I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until I awoke to Jasmine's foot on the back of my head, not kicking, but swaying. I sat up and immediately had to pee. Looooooove pregnancy bladder. I checked my phone and noticed that I had three texts from Michael;




I immediately dialed his number and put my phone up to my ear, the dull ringing echoing in the bathroom along with my pee. No shame in calling him while I pee.

He nearly immediately picked up, "Alaska, what took you so long?!" He chortled, I small laugh leaving my lips.

"I'm sorry, I was napping. What's the tea?" I laughed, hot water blasting from the bathroom faucet, soothing my cold, dry hands.

"No— Alaska, I meant I literally have scalding tea. Like, really warm drinkable tea. Come over." He stopped laughing and nonchalantly offered.

"Good Christ Michael, you nearly gave me a heart attack. Okay, I'll head over. Are you home?" I sighed, but lightly laughed.

"Yep, let yourself in, love." He chirped, before hanging up the phone. I quickly brushed my teeth, and changed into a floral skirt, band tee tucked in, and placed my beloved gold locket on my chest, right under my clavicle.

"Jack, I'm heading out." I called out, praying this wouldn't turn into another argument.

"Where are you going?" He called back, his gentle footsteps descending down the carpeted staircase before meeting the bottom.

"I'm going to go get some tea." I proclaimed as I slid on my toms.

"Oh.. okay, alone?" He asked steadily, awaiting the answer I knew he'd dread.

"Yep.. alone." I lied. Why did I lie?

Michael slid over a cup of steaming tea across the counter, placing right in front of me at the granite bar.

"So what's the actual tea, Michael? I know you didn't text me 3 times in all caps for a cup of earl grey. What's going on?" I quirked one eyebrow at him before taking a sip.

"Well, okay." He sighed, before dumping his 2/3rds empty cup into the sink and filling it with cold water.

"I broke up with Madison." He professed. It's wrong how my heart softly fluttered with.. glee?

"What! Why?" I asked, one brow quirked and my heart.. pounding?

"I don't know.. it just wasn't right. After what happened with.. you know, Jack and all.. I just am tired of giving her all of the chances she doesn't deserve." He said, piercing green eyes digging right into me. I looked down at my countertop and studied the design of the granite. The small shimmer under the kitchen light and the dark olive tones that glowed against my teacup.

We spent a few short moments just rendering in the silence, my fingertips lightly dancing across my teacup.

My eyes started to leak as I think about Jack, how Michael gave up giving chances to Madison, but day after day I continue to give chances to Jack.. my Jack. My sweet, loving, fierce, cheating, unbelievable fiancé, Jack. You cheated too, Alaska, She sneers; It wasn't all him. A small sob escapes my lips as I peak back up at him.

"Here—" He scurries, the only sound in the house is his barstool moving against the hardwood floor. "Drink this." He hands me another full cup of tea.

"I'm fi—" I'm cut off by him;

"Don't argue, please drink it, love." He somberly asks, his hand on the small of my back, my face flushing at his choice of words.

"Your face is heating up, is it something I said?" He asked, eyes blazing into me once more. For a moment, I'm lost. Lost in his eyes, lost in the way this makes me feel, my body is melted mush and I'm lost in emotion.

"W-why... Why are you looking at me like that?" I whispered unintentionally. Shit Alaska. Just shit. My heart pounds in my chest i'm almost positive he can hear it.

"Do you not like when I look at you like this?," His blonde eyelashes flutter against his eyelid as his gaze remains burning into me.

"Because I can't stand when you look up at me through those long eyelashes." He teased. His hand made its way up to my cheek, brushing off the semi-dried tears, a small smirk playing on his lips. A choked rasp of air struggled its way into my lungs, his smirk widening at the sound.

"Tell me what you want." He urged, his hand sliding from my cheek down to the base of my neck, his thumb toying my collarbone.


I was interrupted by the squeal of the kettle on the stove, the sound pulling both of us apart, but also bringing attention to Jack, standing in the doorway with a crisp line for lips and hands shoveled in his pockets. Fuck.

um its been two years so hi lol 

ya girl is really excited to finish this, please let me know what y'all think

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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