Rough it up.

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I walked into the Wyrm seeing Byrdie behind the bar, smiling at me.

"Is he up there?" I asked

"He told me to tell you to hurry." She said

"Of course." I replied

She handed me a beer, saluting me, I saluted her back before jumping up the stairs. I knocked on the door before opening revealing some of the higher Serpents. I look to my left seeing Michael and the boys then looking to the right surprised to see Fangs and Sweets standing against the wall of windows. I look forward, seeing my dad sitting in his chair with Tall boy standing beside him.

"You called, Pops?" I asked

"Yeah, we got a job." He said

"Okay, you could have me over the phone?" I asked

"I got a call, someone is hiring us to trash the drive in." Dad announced

I stared at him.

"I need all of you to start making noises, trashing the place, the whole nine yards." He said telling everyone

"We need at least one of you to go with a group every night until the 14th." Tall boy said

"Two weeks of movies, not too bad." Sweets said

"Okay, set out, tell others." He said

He dismissed everyone as I still stood back.

"Dad, you mean The Drive In that Jughead works at?" I asked

He wiped his hand over his face, exhaling deeply.

"Who is it?" I asked

"An old friend." He replied

"Cut the crap, dad." I said

He took a deep breath.

"Hiram Lodge." He replied

"The Mobster?" I asked surprised

He sat back, a hand over his eyes.

"We are getting in with the mob?" I said upset

"We are not getting in anything, we are roughing some things up, we get paid and then we're out." He said

"That's it?" I asked

"That is it." He said

"Fine." I replied before turning to walk out

"Hey, don't tell your brother." He asked

I stopped in my tracks.

"He hasn't said a word to me in two years, dad. I don't think he's gonna start now." I expressed before leaving

I walked down the stairs, walking toward the doors. Before I could leave I saw three boys standing between me and the doors. Ivan, Isaac and Fangs were in a triangle formation blocking my way.

"What could I do for you boys?" I asked

The three of them stare before Ivan steps up, Ivan was the oldest out of the Kowski brothers. He was the same age as me, just a couple months older as Isaac was the same age as Jughead.

"So how about that date?" He asked

"Nah, I'm good." I said walking past him

"Salem." He said

"Why don't you go ask Micheline, I heard she has had the hots for you since grade eight." I said not turning back

Then Issac stood in my way, I rolled my eyes before placing my hands in my pockets.

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