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      Salem and Sweet Pea moved all her stuff into Sweet Pea's trailer that weekend. The two now settled into their three bedroom trailer, everything seemed to fall into place. Weeks had passed as everything calmed down. The two fell into a comfortable routine: School, work for both and then hanging out at the Wyrm until they went home for dinner and then to sleep. On the weekends, they hang out with their friends and go to the quarry. The two stopped by her family's trailer seeing if they needed anything.

"I was checking out a few places. There's that one building on Franklin and Sycamore." FP said
"Dad, there's living on the wrong side of the tracks and then there's living directly over the tracks." Jughead said
"Well remind me to cross that place off the list of places to live." Salem said
Sweet Pea nodded as she drank some coffee.

"I'm a soda jerk at Pop's Jughead. We're not going to be moving into the Pembrooke." FP said
"Why don't we all get a place together?" Sweet Pea asked

The Jones turns to the gentle giant, giving him different looks.
"You want to live with my dad and my brother?" Salem asked

He looked at her trying to read her face, getting nothing.

"Yyyess...?" He questioned

"Moving on, none of us should have to move at all. No one in this trailer park should have to move. This is just Hiram Lodge's vendetta against us. Look he is planning something, something big and bad. I just... I just have to figure out a different angle." Jughead said
"Well don't think too hard, are you driving with us to school?" Salem asked
Jughead nodded as he grabbed his bag, turning toward the door.
"Okay dad, I'll see you at the Wyrm after your shift." Salem said
He nodded as she kissed his hair, following Jughead and Sweet Pea out of the trailer.

       Halfway through the school day, Salem was walking down the hall when she was ripped into a classroom. She swung her arm back, ready to hit the person.

"Hey! Hey! It's me! It's me!" Jughead yelled

Salem dropped her fist, staring up to her brother who had his hands raised to protect his face.
"Dammit Forsythe, are you trying to get hit?" She asked

"Sorry, I forgot that you don't really like that." Jughead said
"So what's up? Why are you grabbing me?" She asked

"Veronica invited us to her family's cabin for a romantic couples getaway." Jughead said
Salem looked at him, confused.

"Okay, how does that involve me?" Salem asked

"I need you to tell Dad I won't be home this weekend. You will be seeing him for your shift at the Wyrm." Jughead said
She looked at him, pleading in his eyes.
"Fine but only because I know you are only going and dealing with them because of Betty." Salem said

The siblings nodded to one another as they walked out of the classroom, talking about how they think the weekend is going to go.
"So you, Betty, Archie and Veronica are going to be the only ones in the cabin?" Salem asked
"Yeah, her family driver isn't even going to be there." He said

They continued down the hall making their way outside as Salem began to laugh.
"What?" Jughead asked

"Oh my god, this is a fuck fest." Salem said
Jughead's eyes grew wide as he turned pale.
"No it's not." Jughead snapped

Salem laughed.

"Yes it is." Salem chuckled

Jughead began to walk faster, as Salem grabbed his arms stopping him.
"Jughead, Sex is perfectly natural. Sweets and I do it all the time." Salem said
Jughead's face shifted, now disgusted.
"Oh my, never talk about the two of you having sex ever again." Jughead said
"How do you think I feel? Sweets talks with both Fangs and Toni. Granted I have Fangs but it's not the same." Salem explained
"That sounds terrible." Jughead said
"Sometimes." Salem said
The two reach the truck, stopping in front.

"Okay, I'll take you to Betty's so you don't have to leave your bike there or walk." Salem said
"Okay, thank you." Jughead said
The two got into the car, driving back toward Sunnyside.
"So have you and Sweet Pea talked about the wedding?" Jughead asked

"To be completely honest, no. Not because we don't want to, just a lot is going on right now." Salem said

"Do you want to get married soon or wait awhile?" He asked
"I can wait, as long as we need to. We've been together this long, why rush? I want it to be calm and only people that need to be there." Salem explained
Jughead nodded, as they pulled up to the Jones' trailer. FP's bike was missing meaning he was either at Pop's or the Wyrm. Jughead ran into the trailer, packing quickly as Salem kept the truck running. Minutes later, Jughead raced out of the trailer holding two bags in his hands. He hopped back into the truck as she backed out and off back to the Northside. After the short drive, Salem pulled up to the Coopers home.

"You be careful Jug and call me for anything." Salem said
"Don't hold your breath, it's supposed to be a relaxing weekend." Jughead said
He closed the door and walked up to the front door, Salem backed out and made her way back to the school to pick up her friends.

Sorry for the short update :(

Much Love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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