We got a problem?

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          I was sitting in the Wyrm looking staring down below while Tall boy stood beside me.
"You need to go back to school, if not for yourself at least your future." Tall boy said

"I think it is time for me to go back, everything has chilled out." I said

"Plus hurry up and finish high school. You're 19." Michael said

"Hey mike?" I said

"Yeah?" He asked

"Shut the fuck up." I said with a smile

I walked myself to my truck driving to the trailer, I walked in grabbing some clothes before showering. I got myself ready, heading toward the school. I walked through the metal detectors seeing the security guards.

"Mitch." I said

"Long time no see Salem." He said letting me walk through

The entire hallway became silent as I stepped in, I looked up confused as to why everyone was quiet or staring.

"We got a problem?" I yelled out

Everyone began walking and talking again like nothing happened, I made my way walking to my locker looking for an extra lighter. I felt a presence behind me, I smiled.

"Hello Sweets." I said closing my locker

I turned to see him with a pissed look on his face.

"What are you doing, Salem?" He asked

"Going back to school, I can't pass if I don't have attendance." I said walking toward the cafeteria

"They could call the cops, you could be arrested." He said

I turned to look at him.

"Sweet Pea, the staff doesn't even want to be here. Do you think they will call the police on a girl who has done nothing wrong?" I said

He frowned looking around the cafeteria.

"I'll be fine, I got you to protect me." I joked

He let out a smirk.

"That's a low blow." He smiled before walking to the table

We were sitting there making a bunch of noise, laughing and talking. I look up to see my brother standing with Toni walking this way. Before they arrive, Jughead stops, they talk for a minute before Jughead goes to sit by himself as Toni walks over to us.

"The fuck does he think he's doing?" I asked

"He said he's a loner, wants to sit by himself." She explained

"Dad's gonna kill me if something happens to him." I said between

"Well someone needs to persuade him." Fangs said

"I vote for Toni."

"I vote Salem." Toni and Sweets said

"Excuse me?" I said

"You are his older sister, he'll listen to you." Toni said

"Toni, My brother hasn't listened to what I've said in over two years, I don't think he's gonna start now." I said getting up

"Where are you going?" Fangs asked

"For a smoke before class." I said walking out of the Cafeteria

           I was sitting in the middle of Mr. Phillips' English class. He was talking about Fahrenheit 451, a classic and a favorite of mine but I could care less. This was my last class of the day and I needed an excuse to leave. I was sitting in the front near the windows, doodling something on the blank page in front of me.

"What? Dammit!" Sweets yelled getting up and walking out

I turned to see Toni looking at me before I rolled my eyes getting up to follow him. I walked out, down the hall and down the stairs to find him walking toward the exit.

"What's the malfunction? What's got you so pissed?" i asked

"Someone notified the police that you were spotted here." He said

"Okay, let's go then. Hide out in the basement." I smiled

"I told you it wasn't smart to come back." He said

"I don't care, Sweets. It's my education on the line." I said grabbing his hand

We walked toward the exit, waving at Mitch before walking toward my truck.

"So the Wyrm or your trailer?" I asked

            We arrived back after school out, trying to find where Toni was. I looked to see Luna and some younger serpents looking at me, I pulled sweets back.

"Hey I'm going to talk to Luna and them for a little bit, okay." I said

"Okay, we're gonna go get Topaz, someone heard that your brother is opening the school paper back up, so my guess is she's there." He explained

"Okay, meet you guys there." I said before turning

I walked over and the girls smiled and waved.
"Luna, hey how have you been?" I asked

"I see our Queen has come out of hiding." She said excited

"I wasn't hiding, just laying low in the tall grass." I smiled

"Will we be seeing you here more often around here, keeping people in check?" her friend asked

"Me being here, yes. Keeping people in check, if need be." I replied

"Are you going to quarry?" Luna asked

"Wouldn't miss it, I have somewhere to be. I'll see you ladies there." I smiled before walking toward the Red and Black's office

I walked in and saw Sweet pea charging at Jughead.

"Hey hey." I yelled

"Hey! He made up his mind? Take a hit Sweet Pea, he's just not that into you." Toni said getting between the boys

"Let's motor." I said standing against the door

I saw Sweet pea staring back at Jughead before heading out, and he spotted me.
"I'll meet you out there." I replied

He looked back at my brother before nodding and walking out, Toni turned to look at Jug.

"Catch you later, Jones." she said before turning

"Quarry?" Toni asked me

"Of course, can you give me a second?" I asked

She nodded walking out.

"So you're done with us?" I asked

"You know what I mean, Salem." He said

"Actually no I don't, because to be completely honest. I don't know what to do for you, Jughead. We gave you a jacket and you looked so happy to put that jacket on then your little northside girlfriend butts in and then you're not. So guess what, figure it out." I said walking out of the room

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