Christmas Eve

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I walked into Pop's picking up dinner for Dad and I, when I saw Jughead. I nodded at him before grabbing the bag from Pop's handing him cash telling him to keep the change. I quickly walked out of Pop's running into Fred.

"Hey Salem, Jughead said you guys are gonna need a small tree." Fred said

"Yeah, umm do you happen to have four small trees?" I asked

"Yeah, I can see what I can do." He said

"Let me know." I said walking to the truck

I drove home dropping off the food, remembering I was hanging out with Sweet pea.

"Okay, i'll be home later, maybe." I said

"Be safe please." Dad called out

I walked across the trailer park, over to Sweets'. I opened the door and saw him in the kitchen with a towel around his hips, water droplets on his chest, hair wet. I locked the door before walking to him to bring him down to kiss me.

"You need to get taller." He said

"You're complaining and not kissing me." I said

He lifted me causing me to wrap my legs around his waist, him walking us to the room.

I dropped on the bed beside him, out of breath covering my chest with the sheet. We laid in silence for a moment before I looked at him, sweat on his forehead smiling at me.

"So Salem?" Sweet questioned

My phone rang, I looked at him.

"I'm sorry." I said picking it up

"Hello?" I asked

"Meet me at the address I just sent you. Bring your own truck." Penny said before the line went dead

"Fuck." I whispered

I turned to him, confusion written across his face.

"I have to go." I said getting up

"Who was that? It's ten at night." Sweet said

"It was Penny Peabody." I said

"The Snake Charmer? What did you do?" He asked

"Noah, I have to go. Please, I will tell you when I get back, okay?" I said

He nods as I pull my jacket back on.

"You still have a key?" He asked

"Like that's even a question." I said walking out

"Be safe!" He yelled from the room

"Always!" I yelled

I ran back in giving him a final kiss before running out of the trailer, making my way to the truck. I drove to the address and there stood Peabody with my dad. I jumped out walking toward them.

"Welcome Queenie, so here's the deal. I need these two deliveries to their respectable areas by midnight." Penny said

"Okay?" I asked

"One is in Greendale and the other is in Centerville." She said

"That's in two different directions." dad said

"Well it's a good thing, y'all brought separate cars." She smiled

"I'm not letting my daughter drive alone into either of those towns." dad said

"Tonight will be the only night she'll go alone because this is the new drop off. You should pick someone with some serious muscle." Penny said

"I'm not dragging anyone else into this." I said

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