The Night after it happened...

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           The night sky was dark with the moon missing, as the summer breeze whisked passed me as I walked back toward the trailer. I saw that my dad's truck was missing, letting me know he's at the Wyrm. I took a seat on the stairs, enjoying the breeze before I walked in. I took a look around, the place was trashed. The sink was filled with dirty dishes, there were beer cans and bottles littered throughout. Dad's closet sat in the middle of the living room, he still hasn't accepted that Mom and Jelly are gone. So he basically moved out of the room, giving it to me. I walked into my room grabbing a new outfit before walking into the bathroom, I showered before making my way toward the kitchen. I cleaned up a bit before I decided to go to the Wyrm, to see my dad. I walked over there not wanting to have to pick my truck up in the morning. I walked in through the double doors spotting my best friends. Toni was standing behind the bar cleaning a glass as Hog Eye was spitting a story, Fang was sitting at our normal table towards the back of the bar. Then there he stood, Sweet Pea, near the pool tables as usual playing some of the elder serpents. I walked over toward Sweets waiting for him to be done with his shot.

"Evening Pea." I said patting him on the chest

I walked past him before I felt a hand pulling me back into their chest, I looked into his eyes, him smiling at me.

"Come on Sweets, knock it off. I gotta make my rounds, I had to come see you first." I said

"Fangs is waiting for you." He said

"I know so I gotta go, I'll come back around." I said winking

"Don't make me wait too long." He whispered

I walked off, him sending me on my way with a slap on the ass. I rolled my eyes making my way over to the bar to see Toni smiling my way.

"Look who decided to show." Toni laughed

"I've been busy." I joked

"Fangs is-" Toni said putting two beers down

"At our table, I know. Are you making your way over there at some point tonight?" I asked

"I get off in two hours." She replied

"Well be there." I smiled before walking off

I slid the beer across the table toward Fangs, he looked up to me smiling. Fangs and I have been friends the longest, He's only two trailers down and we are the older siblings so we have a lot in common, then when we started school we met Toni and Sweets. I became a serpent really early in my life, I think I was 12, maybe. I did the dance when my dad went on a job so he couldn't witness what his 12 year old daughter was doing. Tall boy gave me my serpents jacket that day. Next was Sweets, he ran the gauntlet then came Toni and finally Fangs. Here we are seven years later, going strong.

"Hey! Where have you been the last few days? We saw you on the fourth of July and then we haven't seen you." Fangs asked

"Pop needed me to run to Airedale for a job and then I- I got sick." I said

"Oh shit, all the way out there? That's like a 4 hour drive? Did anyone go with?" He asked

"Yeah, Joaquin and I had to go up there." I said

"Joaquin is cool." Fangs said

"Yeah, he is." I replied

"I told Sweets when you get here, I'll play a couple games." Fangs said

"That's fine, I have to go see the old man anyway. Catch you in like thirty minutes?" I asked

"You play the winner?" He asked

"For sure." I said getting up

I walked up the stairs before knocking on the door.

"What?" a voice yelled

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