Don't worry about me.

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I was sitting in my dad's office working on some old paperwork when I heard a knock.

"Come on in." I said taking a drag

I pull my glasses down to see it's Tall boy and Issac, looking slightly worried.

"What can I do for you Tallest of them all? I got months of work to do." I said signing a page

"I got a call from Jughead, he said to meet at the hospital." Tall boy said

I stopped and looked back at him.

"Is he alright? Is he hurt?" I asked

"He didn't say, just to meet him." He said

I pulled my glasses off, grabbed my cigarettes before walking toward the door.

"Let's roll out." I said

I was walking down the stairs when Michael came to me.

"Salem but what if the police are there, they will arrest you." He said

"I'll wear a hat and ride with Tall boy, I'll be fine." I said walking out the doors

We raced down to Riverdale Hospital meeting in the back, away from the public. We sat outside for a minute before a beanie wearing kid walked out, I smiled seeing he was okay.

"I got nervous when you said to meet at the hospital, I had to involve the boss lady over here." Tall boy said moving to expose me

"Salem." Jughead said relieved

I walked over bringing him in for a hug.

"You look good, Jug." I said

"Always do." He said smiling

"What happened?" I asked

"I was wondering about when you said the serpents have my back. Does that courtesy extend to a guy who's like my brother and a man who is like a second father to me?" Jughead asked

Tall boy looked at me, and I turned back to Jug.

"What do you need?" I asked

"Fred Andrews, my buddy's dad was just shot, during a robbery at Pop's. The guy was in a black hood." Jughead explained

"Fred was shot?" I asked

"Serpents don't wear masks." Isaac replied

"Yeah I get it, but some of those serpents were working for Fred Andrews when for reasons of his own, he decided to let them go suddenly. Maybe someone took it personal and went rogue. You guys know every hidey-hole in town. Someone has to have heard something about what went down at Pop's." Jughead explained

"Okay, I can't be involved with that but I'll ask around." I said

"And we'll knock some heads, we'll let you know." Tall boy said patting Jughead's shoulder before walking away

"Salem?" Jughead asked

"Yes, Forsythe?" I asked

"What is going on? Where are you staying?" He asked

"Just know that I am safe and I will tell you in due time." I replied turning to walk

"You know I really miss you." Jughead said

I stopped in my tracks before quickly turning to hug him.

"Doing this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. We'll be okay. I do love you, Jughead." I whispered in his ear

I released him before walking off to get on the back of Tall boy's bike racing off to the southside.

            I arrived back at the Wyrm seeing many of my friends had left school, guessing Tall boy texted them. I walked up the stairs, up onto the stage.

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