We need a new start.

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The next morning, Jughead arrived at the trailer with breakfast from Pop's.

"Dad, have you been body-snatched?" Jughead yelled

I stayed in bed not wanting to get up yet. I helped dad clean the whole trailer including repainting the kitchen. I heard dad telling Jughead to let the story go, use his talents elsewhere. I heard Jughead finally leave for school, I finally got out of the bed placing slippers on my feet walking out of my room. My dad was sitting at the table with his head in his hand, I grabbed a coffee before leaning against the counter. I lit a cigarette, throwing the lighter on the counter, before turning to my dad.

"Dad?" I asked

He looked over to me, questioning.

"Do we need to worry about Jughead? Him finding out?" I asked

"He knows nothing. We shouldn't worry." He said getting up

"Go get ready for school. I need to get to work." Dad said walking toward his room

I walked to my room grabbing clothes before going into the bathroom getting ready. I walked out of the bathroom finding dad grabbing his stuff. He turned to me as I walked closer to him, he kissed the top of my head before the two of us walked out of the trailer. I looked at him as he walked straight to his truck, getting in and taking off for work. I got into my truck, lighting a cigarette before turning the truck on leaving for school.

I woke up the next morning to my dad hooting and hollering about something. I walk out in my big t-shirt and slippers to see Sweets, Fangs, Issac and Tall boy in the kitchen talking with my dad.

"Oh my fuck, hello everyone." I said covering my chest

I walked toward the counter pouring myself a cup of coffee before turning to them, Tall boy and my dad were the only one not looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked the other three

"Salem, go put pants on." Dad said with a laugh

"Better yet, I'm just gonna go back to bed." I said grabbing my cigarette off the table

"Remember we're going to dinner at the Cooper's tonight." he said

I stopped in my tracks.

"Wow, this is going to be some fun. Why don't I eat glass while I'm at it?" I said sarcastically before walking down the hall

"Salem!" Dad yelled

"Yeah, yeah, be nice tonight, I know the drill." I said walking into my room shutting the door

                             We are sitting at Cooper's dining table, Jughead wearing a suit as Dad and I wore normal everyday clothes. Alice placed all the food on the table, having us all dig in, with all of us making small conversation.

"So FP?" Alice asked

My dad looked at her.

"Betty tells me you are working for Fred Andrews now. How do you balance that with all your other responsibilities?" Alice asked

"Like being a father?" Dad asked

"And being part of the Southside community." Alice spat

"Mom." Betty said

"You can say Southside Serpent Alice, I'm not ashamed and it's not just me, there's a bunch of us working on Fred's site." Dad explained

"So if you don't mind me asking, I mean, I'm just curious. How did you make your living before that?" Alice asked

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