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 I walked out of the bus seeing Shankshaw in front of me. I walked forward walking through the doors waiting for my stuff and what room I will be in. I was given the ground rules and the schedule and when lights were out. I changed into my jumper.

Third POV**

A week later....

Jughead and Archie walked in the visitor section waiting for FP to arrive, when he did he looked tired. He grabbed the phone as the two grabbed theirs.

"Start from the beginning boys." Fp said

FP stared at Jughead with annoyed looks, noticing the serpents jacket.

"You can reprimand me for joining the Serpents later, but if we don't do something now, there will be no serpents, just Ghoulies." Jughead said

The two boys began to talk over one another, FP, now growing angry, smacked the phone against the plastic barrier.

"Ghoulies dress like fops, but they're a nasty crew. Serpents have survived worse, Salem knows that. The only hitch is, it sounds like you're out-manned, which means you gotta avoid bloodshed at all cost." FP said

"I agree, 100%" Archie said

"So out think them, this is about territory. If there's one thing Ghoulies love, it's crazy souped-up retro cars and hearses. You catch my Riverdale drift, boys?" FP asked

The boys stared at him confused, FP looked around.

"Challenge them to a street race, one on one but keep it on the DL. It's illegal, it will get you locked up." FP whispered

"Go on." Jughead said

"Set the terms of the race. Their guy wins, Serpents roll over." FP said

"And if we win, the ghoulies back off." Jughead said

"Maybe raise the stakes, whoever wins, controls Southside high." FP said

"And we get rid of the ghoulies, and get rid of the Jingle Jangle." Jughead said

"Plus, where is your sister? What does she think of this whole thing?" FP asked

Jughead's eyes grew wide not knowing how to explain to their dad that she just arrived a week ago.

"What do you mean? She was sentenced to six months here." Archie said

"Archie." Jughead whispered

"What the fuck did you just say, boy?" FP asked

Jughead looked back to his father, seeing he was pissed, he looked at Archie annoyed as he turned back to the phone.

"Salem got arrested because of the raid at Southside High. They gave her an option, this or Sisters and she very set on not going to the sisters." Jughead said

"Jughead, your sister can never go back there, they'll kill her." FP said

"What happened?" Jughead asked

"When your sister was 14, she got arrested after fighting with a northsider. The girl was beaten pretty badly. So instead of time at the Juvenile Detention Center, they sent her to The Sisters of Quiet Mercy for a three week anger management program. While she was there, something happened. She doesn't like to talk about it much but they wanted to "cleanse" her of her sins with us, they tried to scrub the tattoo off your sisters' spine. They rubbed her skin with wool brushes, they were going to do worse but she got out just in time. If she goes back, they will cut her tattoo off her body, it will kill her." FP explained

"Dad, don't get mad at her." Jughead said

"I won't. Now go win that damn race." FP said

Later that day, Salem was called into the visitor center, she sat at the table, her hands free, as she picked at her nails. The buzzer sounded as the door opened, she looked up, spotting her father, his eyes staring right at her. She sighed, placing her head in her hands covering her face. FP took a seat on the opposite of her, the two sat silent for a moment before FP cleared his throat.
"I'm not mad." He said

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