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         They met at Sweet Pea's trailer, driving in a pack with his bike, leading. Dark clouds littered the skies as they pulled up to Archie's house, Salem was pissed. Sweet Pea led the Serpents up the stairs, not before Archie swung open his door. They came face to face, Sweet Pea smirking. Salem stayed behind Sweets, trying to keep her cool.

"How stupid are you Northsiders? You really think you can come into my house, stick a gun in my face, in front of my boys? More importantly in front of my girl? And there wouldn't be any payback?" Sweet Pea asked

"You have crap timing, bro. Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch." Reggie said poking out from the back

"We'll see about that?" Sweet Pea questioned

The tall Serpent looks around.

"And the more, the merrier." He called out as Reggie grabbed his shirt

Salem jumps forward, pushing Reggie back.

"Back the fuck up, Mantle." Salem growled

Archie pulled Reggie back telling him to cool it.

"Veronica, Stay here." Archie said

"What? Archie, no." Veronica said

Salem looked over spotting Veronica, the girlfriend, not someone she would expect for Archie but what did she know. They had a small sidebar before he turned to face the Serpents.

"If you wanna fight, we'll fight." Archie said

"What about your gun?" Salem questioned standing in front of Sweet Pea

"What about your knife?" Archie asked

"How about no weapons?" Veronica said moving in front of Archie

Salem went to step forward as Sweet Pea grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back.

"If you troglodytes insist on doing this, there are going to be rules." Veronica said

The two girls stared at one another, arms crossed, anger radiating from both of them.

"Or should I call Sheriff Keller to be the referee?" Veronica stabbed

"Like I said once before, you wanna keep your tongue?" Salem asked

Archie pulled Veronica back as Salem turned walking down the steps.

"Salem." Archie replied

Salem ignored the redhead walking toward the bikes.

"The Bridge that separates us, be there in thirty." Salem called out, not turning back

           They dropped off Sweet Pea and Fang's bikes, taking her truck instead. The gang arrived at the bridge waiting in the pouring rain. Salem stepped out of the truck walking toward the front, feeling a pull on her hand. She turned to see Sweet Pea, pointing his head in the opposite direction. The two walked back as the Fangs left to sit with the rest of the Serpents, Salem leaning against the bed of the truck.

"You aren't fighting." Sweet Pea said looking around

"Excuse me?" Salem spat

"Do not fight me on this please, Salem." He whispered

"I just don't see why I can't fight?" She whispered back

"Salem, stop it." He yelled

She stared up at him, confused and concerned.

"I just have a feeling, okay. So please, just fall back?" He whispered

Salem stared at him, pulling him in for a kiss, nodding. They walked back, holding hands, toward the front when the Bulldogs arrived. Salem looked at him, nodding, him and the boys walked toward the Bulldogs all lined up. Archie stood in front of Sweet Pea, the redhead pulled his arm back, hitting Sweet Pea in the face causing him to fall to the ground for a moment. An all out war broke out and all she could do was watch. The Bulldogs put up a good fight but were failing to reign victorious. Salem looked over seeing Fangs beating on the Bulldog, in the corner of her eye she saw a glimmer. She turned to see a nerdy looking kid pulling out a knife. Salem took off in a sprint, stopping between the kid and Fangs. As if time slowed down, the kid lunged his arm forward, making contact with her side. Salem froze, her eyes wide as the teen stared back at her, shocked, stunned. She looked down seeing the small pocket knife embedded in her side. The boy quickly grabbed his knife, ripping it from her side, before running in the opposite direction. Her hands flew up, pressing into the wound. She slowly brought up her hand, now covered in crimson.

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