Yeah, I know.

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              The trio sat together at the lunch table discussing what had happened.

"It's surreal isn't it? How's Jughead doing?" Kevin asked

"Not good." Betty replied

"He's not coming in today, after his sister disappeared and he's at the station." Archie explained

"Being grilled by your dad." Veronica said

"Who's just doing his job? I mean of course he's going to ask Jughead questions." Kevin said

"Okay, well he's wasting his time, Kev because FP didn't kill Jason." Betty said

"Betty, he confessed." Kevin replied

"Or he was coerced or he's protecting someone, maybe a serpent?" Betty said

"Maybe Salem?" Veronica asked

The other three stared back at her.

"We all saw how she reacted when she heard Keller, maybe it's because of a guilty conscience?" Veronica said

"Veronica, we've known Salem our entire lives, she's is a lot of things but not a murder." Archie said

"Besides, my mom said she saw FP and Joaquin together." Betty said

"Don't! Do not drag my boyfriend into this, plus Salem is always with her dad all the time." Kevin explained

"Okay and?" Betty questioned

"She's missing, isn't she?" Kevin said

There were gasps and whispers, the group turned around revealing Jughead walking through the Cafeteria, making a b-line straight to the redheaded beauty, they stared at one another.

"I'm sorry, Cheryl." Jughead said sniffling

Cheryl rose to her feet walking up to Jughead slapping him across the face before she started beating on his chest. Archie pulled her away from Jughead who was unfazed just letting her hit him.

"Enough!" Weatherbee yelled

Cheryl pushed off Archie as she walked out the other end of the cafeteria.

"Mr. Jones, you need to come with me, right now." Weatherbee announced

"He was just apologizing, he didn't do anything wrong." Archie explained

Jughead walked off without arguing with the man as everyone watched in awe.

               Salem was sitting in her father's chair looking at all the things he had left undone, Tall boy had told her that with her father being gone, she was technically next in line. She pulled her legs up to her chest wrapping his flannel closer to her. There was a knock on the door before it opened revealing Joaquin and Tall boy.

"Joaquin here has been looking for you." Tall boy announced

She let out a little laugh.

"Well you found me." Salem said taking a drag

"Ill leave you two to talk." Tall boy said leaving

The door closed and neither one of the,=m said anything.

"Your dad called me." He said

She looked at him, shocked.

"He called you?" She asked

"He told me to find you and lay low. He said he couldn't call you because they were suspicious. He's protecting you." Joaquin explained

"Where was this protection when I was on my hands and knees scrubbing blood off the floor?" Salem asked through her teeth.

"We need to lay low, Salem. We have to avoid Jughead and his friends, especially you." Joaquin said

"That is what I'm doing. You think I'm staying her for fun?" Salem asked

"Your dad does love you Salem. You know that right?" He asked

"Yeah, I know." She said turning to look out the windows

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