Hail to the King

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The next day we went on a family ride through the valley, or should I say more like they rode as I drove my truck behind them. We pulled up to this little patch of dirt overlooking a valley, I sat on the tailend of my truck as they leaned on their bikes. I inhaled a drag waiting to hear the damage of what has happened the last month or so.

"Things go ugly when you guys were away, I asked myself everyday what you two would do, if you guys were here." Jughead said

I got off the end walking toward the two.

"Has Penny bothered you at all? Figured she was the one that greased our wheels." Dad asked

"I did a job for her." Jughead announced

"What kind of job?" I asked

"It's a one time thing, I figured it best not to ask too many questions. We're squared away, for good." Jughead said

I stared at him, Penny "The snake charmer" Peabody wanted a one time thing, something isn't adding up.

"You know when I was 16, my old man kicked me out and told me to go to hell. Instead I joined the serpents and then the army and back again. I don't want that life for you Jughead. Neither of us did, we want you to go to college, get out of this god-forsaken town." Dad explained

"I ran the gauntlet, I fought with the serpents and for them. I have to stay. I wanna stay, run with them. Run with Salem." Jughead said

I looked away from him.

"And I need your blessing." Jughead pleaded

"Just promise me you'll keep writing." Dad said

"I will, i do, every day." Jughead said

"You keep her in check." Dad said pointing to me

I threw my hands into the air, confused.

"The fuck?" I asked

"Honey, I heard about the fight between bulldogs and serpents. How you got stabbed, you are a hot-head, you got a short fuse." Dad explained

"Hey Carrot Top came into our territory first." I said

"I got her." Jughead said

The boys began putting their gear back on as I walked to get in my truck. Later that day, I was sitting at Pop's next to Sweets with Fangs and Toni. My dad came over grabbing out empty dishes. I heard a glass hit the ground, I looked over to see Cheryl had knocked her milkshake off the table

"Clean that up, Plebe. The way your daughter did my brother's blood." Cheryl said looking at me

Jughead hopped up walking toward her, I got up grabbing his arm, pulling him back.

"Jug, don't." Dad said

Dad turned to Cheryl saying something while picking the glass up, we made eye contact. I rolled my eyes when Jughead and I walked back to our respective tables, I threw a twenty on the table before walking out, annoyed.

I was sitting at the bar after seeing everyone saying they were glad to see me. Betty walked in with a small smile on her face, I turned and looked at Toni confused as she passed me a beer and a shot of whiskey.

"Hey so you guys know that we are planning a retirement/welcome back party and i see you guys have a stage. Would you mind if I bought a karaoke machine?" Betty asked

"For that kind of party, sure, why not?" Toni said

"Don't tell Mickey." I laughed

"Also Toni, Salem, one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you two , beyond the party-planning, is I've been walking the razor's edge since Jughead joined the serpents and all I've been thinking about is you know, as soon as FP gets home, everything will be better because he'll be there to protect Jughead and make sure he doesn't get hurt." Betty explained

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