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        I was sitting at the table, smoking a cigarette as dad was sitting there drinking his coffee. Jughead answered the door, opening it wide, allowing Keller to walk in.

"Keller, what a surprise." Jughead said

"Tom, it's been too long." I said putting my cigarette out

"Jughead, FP, Salem. Sorry to bother you-" Keller said

"We don't have General Pickens' head." Jughead said

"I don't think you're sorry, Tom." I said

"And we do not know who stole it." Jughead explained

"Same as the last four times you came by to ask us and our neighbors." Dad said

"Have you been bothering Miss Mary and them, you better not." I said

"You know, Sheriff, these visits are starting to feel alot like harassment. There is absolutely no evidence, zero proof whatsoever pointing to any specific group of suspects." Jughead said

"Well you did write a rather scathing article about the generals legacy, which prompted the Southside Serpents to stop by at Pickens' day with an ax to grind." Sheriff said

"I'm actually writing a new article about how you seem to care more about catching a vandal than the black hood. Can I get a quote?" Jughead questioned

Dad and I let out a laugh looking at the two. The sheriff walked out, while I went and got changed into my outfit for school. The three of us left the house starting our day, we arrived at school where Jughead went straight to the student lounge as I went to the bleachers sitting down lighting a cigarette, relaxing before school.

"Why are you not in the student's lounge?" Sweets asked

I opened my eyes seeing Sweets, Fangs and Toni walking up toward me.
"I didn't really want to deal with the golden quad including Keller's son." I said

They sat beside me as I heard Weatherbee's over the PA.

"Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper, please report to the principal's office. Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper, please report to the principal's office." He said

I looked at my friends seeing their reactions, I took a deep breath, exhaling it.

"He will be the death of me." I said getting up

"Where are you going now?" Fangs asked

"To class before my brother can somehow fucks that up for me as well." I said walking down

The day continued with no problems, I went to work and when I arrived home seeing Sheriff Keller and Jughead talking, I quickly jumped out of my truck, running toward them.

"Don't tell me this is because of that statue? For the millionth time as sheriff, we didn't decapitate General Pickens and you can't use that as some trumped-up excuse to try and evict all of us." Jughead explained

"What is going on?" I asked

"Look, I'm just the messenger, all right? This order comes down from the mayor's office. Apparently, there's a lot of back rent owed here." Keller said
"Seriously Tom. Back rent?" I asked

"You have fourteen days to vacate then perhaps while you're packing, you might come across that head. Calm the waters a little." Keller said walking away

"Unlikely but I might find your balls. Actually, I already found them, they're in the Mayor's purse!" I yelled

Jughead and I looked around, the worried faces of families with nowhere to go stared back at them.

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