I know.

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I walked into the Wyrm early that morning with my laptop and glasses. I got into the office seeing my dad sitting there confused.

"Why are you not at school?" He asked

"Because I got suspended?" I asked confused

"Both of you? What happened now?" He asked

"They want me to wear a uniform, I said hell no and told Weatherbee to send my school work to my email, so I can still get shit done." I said holding up my laptop

"What is wrong with you two?" He asked

"Hey I was fine with taking the jacket off, Mr. high and mighty over there, not so much." I said sitting on the couch

"What's the plan for today?" He asked

"Get school done and in between emails get my job done." I said

The rest of the day I sat in the office getting my school work and my job done, it was now a little past 5 when Jughead came into the office.

"Hey Jughead, I was just heading home." I said turning the light off

We walked down the stairs and out of the bar toward my car, we both got in, driving toward the trailer.

"I wanted to talk to you about school." He said

"What about it?" I asked

"I need you to come back." He said

"Why? I don't want to wear that uniform." I said

"Because I have a way for us to still be serpents in plain sight at Riverdale High." He explained

"I'm listening." I said

The next day at school, I was sitting on a desk in the back of the room as Fangs was standing beside me when Toni and Sweet Pea walked in.

"You two are here." Toni said happily

"Yup." I said looking at my exposed knees

"Are you wearing a skirt?" Sweet pea asked

"They didn't have khakis in my size." I said

Jughead walked in leaning up against the teacher's desk in the front.

"Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the Swords and Serpents Club." Jughead said

"Which is what, exactly?" Toni asked

"Like I told Fogarty and my lovely sister to lure them back to dear ol' Riverdale, we are a gaming group, sanctioned by Mr. Weatherbee, himself. Where like-minded people can meet and concoct world-building, role-playing scenarios, inhabiting fantastical heroes and dispatching mythological creatures." Jughead said while peeling his orange

"Oh no, I understood every word you just said. I'm turning into a nerd" I mumbled placing my head in my hands

"No but really?" Toni asked

"It's a club for us. A safe haven where we can be serpents, during school hours and under everyone's noses. We're not shedding our skins." Jughead said

"We're lying low in the tall grass." I smirked looking at him

He smiled and nodded at me before we called it for the day.

Over the course of the next week things got easier, we fell into a routine. We also didn't have to wear uniforms anymore which was great. Fangs and Sweet Pea were going to try out for basketball, Toni and I were alone with just ourselves as we sat at my family trailer having a girls day. We were lying on the floor of my room staring at the tapestry on my ceiling, smoking a joint.

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