He promised.

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            Jughead was walking from Archie's house when he saw Salem's name on his phone screen, he pressed the green button.

"Salem?" He asked

"No, this is an associate of hers, she got too drunk at the Wyrm so I had to bring her to the trailer. I didn't know who else to call." A voice said

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." Jughead said hanging up

Jughead arrived at the trailer in record speed, he walked in finding a Tall man wearing a serpent jacket trying to pull a whiskey bottle away from Salem.

"Has she been here the entire time?" Jughead asked

"No, she's been hiding out. I guess during the night she got bad and someone found her clutching a scotch bottle sitting on the bar so he cut her off. I had to bring her here, no one could know where she was." he explained

Salem was now standing in the Jones' kitchen, mindlessly looking through the cabinets.

"I got her." Jughead replied

The tall man gave him a nod before leaving the trailer, Jughead turned to seeing Salem zoning out.

"Salls?" Jug called out

She shook her head before swiftly walking to her room, Jughead sat in the living room typing away on his laptop. The siblings sat in the home in silence for several hours until Jughead heard loud bangs coming from his older sister's room. He opened the door reveal Salem destroying something, she stopped taking a breath before bring the bottle to her lips. Jughead reached for the bottle, Salem smacked his hand away.

"Back off, Jug." She yelled

"I'm trying to help you." Jughead explained

The two wrestled over the bottle, Salem got the upper hand quickly walking into the kitchen. Jughead ran in grabbing for the bottle again causing them to both lose their grip on the bottle. It made contact with the floor, shattering on impact. Salem stood there staring at the floor before she reached for the liquor on the floor.

"Salem, stop! I need to clean it." Jughead said pulling her back

Salem began to hit him, tears falling down her face. She tires out, now leaning forward on her hands and her knees, sobbing.

"He was supposed to come back." Salem wailed

"What?" Jughead asked

"He didn't do it, Jug." Salem cried

"Salem, what do you mean?" Jughead questioned her

"He promised. We all had a part to play. This wasn't his part. It wasn't his part." Salem cried

Jughead pulled her into him, calming her down. He walked her to her room, helping into bed before walking out. He called Archie, letting him know what he found out. Earlier that next morning, Archie and Jughead were walking toward Pop's to go discuss with his mom.

"She was out of her mind, Archie." Jughead explained

"What happened?" Archie asked

"One of her "friends" found her completely wasted, we fought over a bottle, it shattered and she was almost trying to grab the liquid off the floor before she completely broke down. She told me that Dad was supposed to come back. She kept saying they all had a part to play but this wasn't his part." Jughead said

"What if she actually was there, Jug? What if she knows more? What if that's the reason she disappeared. We need to talk to her." Archie said

"I wish I could, I woke up to an empty house." Jughead explained

               The boys walked in going to sit with Mary talking about his father's case, it doesn't look good.

"Oh also who is Joaquin DeSantos?" Mary asked

"Joaquin as Kevin's boyfriend?" Archie asked

"He was FP's one phone call and Jughead, you should go talk to your dad." Mary said 

The three discussed somethings before Mary got up and left the restaurant. Archie offered to go with Jughead, he declined, wanting to speak with his dad, alone. Jughead made his way into the station, signing in and walking back to where they were holding him. Jughead came into FP's view as he rolled his eyes, annoyed.

"Cleaning the trailer, convincing me you stopped drinking and Salem. I was so happy for the first time in so long, You paid attention to me. Salem was smiling again, I heard her laugh for the first time in two years. Let's be honest, the only reason you even read my manuscript about Jason's murder was to make sure I wasn't on to you and you didn't want to take us to Toledo to get the family back together. You wanted to run away." Jughead explained

"I did what I had to do! What I always do." FP yelled

"Are you even sorry?" Jug asked

FP got up from his cot, leaning against the bars, coming face to face with his son.

"I'm sorry, I got caught." FP said

They stared at one another for a moment.

"We done?" FP questioned

Jug scuffed before turning away to walk out.

"Look at me, Jughead." FP called out

Jughead sniffs before he turns to look his father in the eye.

"Never come back here, got it? And don't you ever let your sister come here. Understand?" FP asks

There was a moment of silent conversation when Jughead finally realized.

"Got it." Jughead said before racing out

Jughead raced out of the holding cells reaching the front area pulling his phone out to call Betty.

"Betty?" Jug called

"You were right, he's hiding something." Jug said before leaving

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