Don't hurt her.

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      The next morning, Salem is up and dressed as she's making breakfast in the trailer. Sweets walks out of the room, fully dressed, his hair still wet from the shower. Salem places a plate at the table with some coffee as she sits down lighting her morning cigarette. The two sat in the normal comfortable silence before they had to head off to school. The two arrived at school, walking through the halls hand and hand, smiling. They walked into the student lounge seeing her brother and his group of Northsider friends.

"Perfect, you're here Salem. Why don't you two come over with your dad and sit down with my dad, and hash this out like civilized humans, face-to-face?" Veronica asked

"Because I don't really feel like coming face-to-face with Satan himself." Salem said
Jughead stared at the raven-haired girl.
"Okay, one condition. Your dad comes to Sunnyside Trailer Park. I want him to see the people that he's gonna be displacing." Jughead said

"Fine, and trust me no one is being displaced." Veronica stated

"Do you ever get tired of hearing your own voice, Veronica?" Salem asked

Before Veronica could reply, Kevin came racing in.

"Oh, my god, did you guys hear? My dad's scanner's blowing up. The police found another dead body this morning, there's blood everywhere." Kevin said
The group faces dropped, all turning slightly pale.
"Could the Black Hood have risen from the grave?" Jughead asked

"Did they say whose body?" Archie asked

"Where did they find it?" Betty asked
"The investigation is ongoing but apparently, it was a gruesome, gangland-style execution at the motel, with blood and brains splattered all over the duvet--" Kevin said
"Okay, Kev, we get it." Archie said
"Way to be graphic." Salem said

Salem grabbed Sweet Pea's hand pulling out of the lounge, the two kissed before going their separate ways toward their own classes. Salem walked down the hall, almost running into Cheryl Blossom and some cheerleader.

"Be careful, Snake." She hissed

"Watch it, Bombshell." Salem snapped

Cheryl flicked her hair over her shoulder as she continued down the hall.

"But I heard someone vomiting and then Betty walked out, strange but I hope she's okay." Cheryl said Salem stared at the redhead before she turned looking back toward the bathroom. She was shaken from her thoughts by her phone vibrating in her pocket.

      The next day, Salem was sitting on the far end of the couch as far from Hiram and Veronica Lodge as possible. Jughead sat on the opposite end of the couch beside the Lodge girl as FP brought in a beer, placing it on the table in front of Hiram.

"Thank you for agreeing to sit down and discuss this misunderstanding." Hiram said
"There's no--" Jughead said
"Misunderstanding?" Salem asked
"There's no misunderstanding here. Tall Boy said you paid him to decapitate the Pickens statue." Fp siad
"As an excuse to turn up the heat on the Serpents." Jughead said

"You got a lot of nervous people scared they're gonna lose their home." Salem said
"I heard about that and though it has nothing whatsoever to do with me, I've spoken to Mayor McCoy. As a gesture of goodwill to the Southside Community, I'd like to settle any back rent you or your neighbors owe the town." Hiram said
The three look at one another, turning back to the business man.
"And what do you want in return?" Jughead asked

"Peace in the land." Hiram said

"Peace?" Salem asked

The Jones' stare at the older Lodge, his eyes moving from each person. Salem crossed her arms, keeping her eyes trained on the man.

"It's a deal." FP said getting to his feet

The fathers meet in the middle shaking hands.
"There is one thing." Hiram said
"Here we go." Salem mumbled

"Mayor McCoy tells me you have some kind of expose you're working on, Jughead. So in exchange for my generous offer, I'd appreciate it if you kept my name out of it. Sound fair?" Hiram said

Jughead scoffs.

"That sounds a lot like a bribe." Jughead said
Hiram huffs out a chuckle.

"No deal." Jughead said
Salem and FP let out a light laugh.
"See you in the funny pages." FP said
Salem walked over, opening the door as Hiram and Veronica headed toward it.
"Good day." Hiram said

The Lodges walk out, Salem stepping out walking behind them.

"Veronica." Salem said

Veronica stopped.

"A word?" She asked
Veronica nodded, walking back toward the Serpent. Hiram climbed into the back of their family car as Veronica stood next to Salem.

"So advice, from one daughter to another. My dad doesn't always make the best decisions. Point example last year but at least I knew what was going on. We don't withhold secrets. Maybe it's time to question where your father's intentions lie." Salem said

Veronica turned to the teen, Salem's face was relaxed, her eyes showing honesty.

"Noted, thank you. Bye Salem." Veronica said "Bye Veronica." Salem replied 

          Later that night, FP called in Chinese as Sweet Pea came into the trailer.

"Hey Boss." He said
"Hey Sweets, staying for dinner? We have enough." FP replied

"Sure. Thank you." Sweet Pea said

He walked over to the table, giving Salem a kiss on the lips before taking a seat beside her. She was eating from her plate, reading over something in the paper. She looked up, smiling at Sweets before doing a double take, her smile growing wider.
"Hey Pops, I- We have some news." Salem said
FP placed the dishes back into the sink as he turned to face them. Jughead's head picks up now, placing his pencil down making his way toward the kitchen.

"We are moving in together." Salem announced
The Jones boys stared at her, one smiling, the other confused.
"That great baby." FP said
He walked over pulling her into a hug before he shook Sweet Pea's hand.

"What do you mean? You're moving out?" Jughead asked
Salem turned to her younger brother, a battle reflecting in his eyes.
"Yeah, we think it's a good time." Salem replied
"Why? You've been together this long. Why move in now?" He asked
Salem looked at him, confused until it finally hit her.

"Oh, yeah umm we're getting married, Jug." Salem said
She pulled her hand up revealing her simple ring as she grabbed Sweet Pea's hand. Jughead stared at her hand, his eyes shifting from her left hand to their clasped hands.
"Woah, wait what?" Jughead asked
He placed his food down walking to her, grabbing her left hand lightly. He stared at the simple band, his face shifting to a giant smile.
"Oh my god, you're getting married." Jughead said

He pulled her into him, hugging her tightly, Salem let out a laugh hugging him back. He pulled away from her as he walked to Sweet Pea putting his hand out for a shake.

"Don't hurt her." Jughead whispers

Sweet Pea nods as the four sit down to eat their dinner talking about future plans.

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