We Protect Our Own.

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      Salem walked through the halls of Riverdale High, her steps echoing with every step when she spots Betty and Cheryl talking around the corner.
"This is about your dad." Cheryl said
"What about my dad?" Betty asked

"He's having an affair with my mother. I've seen him at Thistlehouse." Cheryl said
Salem's eyes grew wide as she placed her back against the wall, making sure not to be seen.

"Thank you for telling me Cheryl. I've gotta go." Betty said walking away

Cheryl watched as the blonde walked away, her heart feeling slightly lighter. She smiled to herself before she walked down the other hallway making her way toward Cheer practice. Salem walked out, leaning against the wall, a smirk on her face.
"Hal Copper, you sly dog." Salem huffed

She made her way back down the hall toward the exit, to leave for work. When she arrived at the Wyrm, there were only a few stragglers hanging around. Byrdie was behind the bar, stacking the glasses as Miss Mary walked out from the back, holding a case of glasses. Salem waved to the women as she made her way up the stairs into her father's office. Several hours later, she was sitting in the large chair when the office door flew open. She looked up seeing her father standing in the doorway. She stared at him, confused.
"We gotta go." FP said

She felt the energy in the air, she nodded understanding. She signed the last page before she placed the pen down, raising to her feet. The two walked out of the Wyrm making their way back to the trailer. When they arrived, Jughead was sitting out on the steps waiting. The three walked into the house, Salem and FP sitting on the couch as Jughead paced in front of them.

"Jughead, what happened?" Salem asked

He stared at her before he plopped onto the recliner pulling off his hat.
"Long story short, Chic killed a shady guy, Alice and Betty covered it up and Betty's falling apart. She can't eat, she can't sleep and to make matters worse. The guy's car was parked out on the street for two days." Jughead explained

"Where is it now?" Salem asked
"Betty and I took care of it." Jughead said
FP sat there, nodding as Salem put her head in her hands.

"Okay. We'll take it from here." FP said
"Dad-" Jughead said
"No, Jughead. You stay with Betty and Alice. We got this." Salem said
Jughead looked down to her, he nodded. There was a knock on the door, the three nodded as FP opened the door revealing Betty and Alice on the other side.

"FP, I--" Alice said
"Save it, Alice. Jughead just told us all of it." FP said looking back at his son

"I'm not gonna let the three of you make the same mistake we made with Jason Blossom. Come on." FP said

He moved out of the way, letting the Coopers into the trailer. Salem moved over to the recliner to let the Coopers sit on the couch.

"So here's the plan, Jughead is going to take you two down to Pop's, Salem and I have it from here." FP said
"I don't think she should be helping." Alice said

"It's too late to care now Alice." Salem said

The two made eye contact, Alice held guilt and shame as Salem was unreadable. "Let's go." Salem said walking out the door

       The father and daughter duo stood thigh deep in a man sized hole in the ground, Salem huffing as FP wiped the sweat from his face. The two turned, the dead man's body lying on a tarp beside the hole. Salem pulled on her gloves as she grabbed ahold of the tarp pulling him into the hole. As FP fixed the trap as Salem grabbed the Lye pouring it all over his body as FP pulled the tarp around him. She threw the bag away from her as the two climbed out of the hole, they turned looking at the orange plastic last time before they began covering it. After the hole was filled and they lightly packed down the dirt, Salem exhaled deeply.

"I need a shower." She said
"I feel that, but let's go get your brother." FP said
The two grabbed the lye and shovels and walked back to the truck. As the two made their way down the road, back toward the Chocolate shop.

"Hey dad?" Salem asked
"Yeah?" He asked

"Why is Alice protecting Chic so much?" Salem questioned

FP stared at the road ahead, his mind racing.
"You do anything to protect your kids." FP said
"Why didn't she protect me like that?" She whispered
FP looked to his daughter, her energy now hurt and sad, but quickly shifted to unreadable once more.
"It doesn't matter, I have one amazing parent and that's all that matters." Salem said
FP smiled as they drove down the road. The truck pulled into the parking lot of Pop's. The two hop out and make their way threw the front door causing the bell to ring. They look around spotting the Coopers with Jughead. They made their way over, FP took a seat next to Alice as Salem slipped in beside Jughead.

"It's done." FP whispered

"Jeez, you guys reek." Jughead said
"It's the sodium hydroxide." Salem said

"In a week, there'll be nothing left... not even his teeth." FP said

Alice's face began to crumble as she sniffed back tears.

"Thank you FP, and thank you Salem. I'm sorry for involving Betty, and that she pulled Jughead into this." Alice said
FP grabbed a hold of her hand, giving it a squeeze. Alice lets out a sob as Betty stares into her coffee, with Jughead comforting her.

"We take care of our own." FP said
He looks at Jughead and Betty.

"This circle ends here. No more loose ends. " FP said

The group nodded, silently agreeing as they all sat in silence and finally took a deep breath of relief. Salem smiled at her dad, getting to her feet.
"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow dad. Bye Jug. Good night Alice, Betty." She said

She kissed her father's cheek walking out of the diner making her way to her truck. The sound of the bell caught her attention turning back to the door. Alice Cooper stood at the bottom of the steps, not that far from her.
"Thank you Salem Marie." Alice said
Salem nodded.
"You probably have a bunch of questions." Alice said
"Yeah, just a couple hundred." Salem said
There was silence between the two.

"Maybe we can get together, have lunch maybe? Dinner?" Alice asked
"You want to be seen with me?" Salem asked
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Alice asked
"Maybe because the last eighteen I was ignored." Salem said
"I can explain." Alice stated

"Another time, I gotta go." Salem said
Alice nodded.
"There is one thing Alice, we do protect our own. Night Alice." Salem said

"Goodnight Salem." Alice said
Salem hopped into her truck, driving back toward the trailer park pulling into Sweet Pea's trailer. She opened the trailer seeing he wasn't home yet. She walked back to the room, having a shower getting dressed in Sweet Pea's t-shirt before walking out into the living room. Salem sat at the table, smoking her cigarette. She closed her eyes letting the quiet calm her loud brain. The silence was disturbed as her phone rang from the middle of the table. She exhaled deeply before answering the phone.

"Hello?" She asked
"Hey babe, I'm down the street at Fang's. We are popping down to Lenny's. Do you want anything?" Sweet Pea asked
"Just some Low-chews and a pack of smokes." Salem replied
"Okay... Is everything okay?" He asked
"Yeah, just a long night. Ran into Alice today, she wants to talk." Salem said

"Are you going to?" He questioned
"What do I have to lose?" Salem said
There was a pause.
"Okay, baby, have fun with Fangs. I'll see you when you get back to your trailer." She said
"Our trailer." He corrected

Her eyes watered as her heart swelled.
"Our trailer." She repeated

"I love you." He said 

"I love you too." Salem said

Awe I kind of missed writing about these two. 

Oh Happy Easter Everyone!

Much Love <3

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