I'm an idiot.

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              The night at the quarry was amazing, it was fun to let go. There was swimming, some drinking and sitting around the bonfire at the end of the night then crashing at Sweets. The next morning I came to grab my brother when I saw Jughead and Betty sitting on the couch, tending to his wounds. I looked to see Toni standing against the counter.

"Can't you just take a day off?" Betty asked

"It's not that bad, it's just some cuts and bruises." He said

I walked over grabbing a cup of coffee and taking a drink.

"I told you that motorcycle was risky, Jug." She said

I choked on my coffee.

"You promised you were always gonna wear a helmet." Betty continued

Toni and I looked at each other confused.

"It was just around the block. Don't blame me, blame the pothole" Jughead explained

"I thought you were gonna say you got jumped by those creepies." Betty said

"Ghoulies." Toni and I corrected

"But no, the serpents wouldn't allow that, we got Jughead's back." Toni said

"Even if he isn't a member, It's just family loyalty." I said looking away

"All right, well, I gotta get to school. Try to fix this mess with Kevin. Will you two keep an eye on him for me?" Betty asked gathering her things

"All over it." Toni said

We saluted her before she raced out of the trailer, we turned looking to Jughead, crossing our arms over our chests.

"Don't tell Betty, she doesn't need to know." Jughead pleaded

I raised my hands before sitting silently.

"We warned you about the ghoulies, I think you'll take them a little more seriously now." Toni said gathering her items

"Yeah, I will." Jughead replied

I avoided eye contact trying to take deep breaths, not getting mad.

"You ain't got anything to say?" Jughead asked

"I have nothing to say to you right now, because if I do. I'm gonna say something I'm gonna regret. Just next time, fucking listen." I said before walking out

I jumped out of my truck with my backpack, walking straight to my classes avoiding everyone. The day went fine after that, no one said or talked to me about anything. I walked into the cafeteria walking to our side of the building taking a seat in between Sweets and Fangs. We were talking about the Wyrm tonight and laughing when Toni arrived smiling. Sweets and Toni stopped talking, causing me to turn to see Jughead.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked

Toni looked back to Sweets and I before moving her bag. I watched him before looking at Sweets, he looked confused before I looked back at my younger brother. We nodded at one another and went on our merry way. I took fries off Fangs plate as he was talking to Mickey.

               The next day I walked up to see the Serpent and my brother talking. Sweets began to laugh while banging on the table with excitement, I stood away from the group listening from a distance.

"No, guys. No" Jughead said

"What Jones?" Sweets asked

"I know this guy, he's a milquetoast. He's a football player. It's kind of a lame target, is all I'm saying." Jughead says

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