Something permanent/ Riverdale High

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It was Christmas morning, I woke up feeling beside me. I sat up seeing I was all alone, I looked at my phone seeing it was only five. I lit a cigarette before throwing on my robe. I walked out seeing my sweets sitting at the table reading a magazine while having his cup of coffee. I smiled, wrapping my arm around his neck while taking a seat on his lap.

"Well good morning." I smiled

"Good morning." he whispered

He was shirtless in a pair of sleep pants. He still had his dog tags wrapped around his neck, so I smiled to myself.

"Merry Christmas baby." I whispered

"Merry Christmas baby." he said

"I'm gonna get in the shower and then maybe we can go to my trailer." I suggested

"Yeah, we can do that." He smiled

I got up putting my cigarette out before giving him a kiss. I walked into the bathroom, showering, and I walked out a towel wrapped around me. I look to see Sweets sitting on the bed in sweatpants and his hoodie holding something in his hands. He seemed off.

"Hey Sweets, what's wrong?" I asked

He looked at a loss for words, I couldn't read his face.

"Noah?" I asked

"Can you come sit down?" He asked

I nodded, going to sit on the bed. He kneeled next to me, grabbing my hand in his. I stared at him confused.

"Noah, you're scaring me." I said shaking my head

He took a deep breath before looking in my eyes.

"Marry me?" He whispered

I blinked rapidly, completely thrown.

"What?" I asked

"Marry me, Salem." He said

"Noah." I said

"I get it, I was gonna do this Christmas dinner then I thought about doing when we go to your family's trailer but then I saw you this morning. Just woken up, hair all over the place, dressed in your robe with your morning cigarette and I thought I couldn't wait any longer, then you got in the shower and I told myself, no matter how you walk out of that bathroom, I'm gonna ask, regardless." He explained

"Wait, Noah." I said

"I get it, we are young. It's terrible timing but I feel good about us and I want this, forever. You and me. And you said you wanted something permanent." he said

I pulled him in for a kiss.

"This is perfect." I whispered

"So?" He asked

He pulled me in for a kiss, I straddled him even still wrapped in a towel. I pulled back, staring at him.

"Wait? Did you ask my dad? When did you ask? I'm so confused how this worked?" I asked

"That for me and him to know and no one to ever find out." He smiled

"So?" I asked

"This is an us thing." He said

"It will stay an us thing." I smiled

He showed me the box and inside was a simple silver band, I smiled before he placed it on my finger. I pulled him in for another kiss before I got up, getting dressed in sweats and hoodie. We walked out and over to the family trailer, walking right in seeing my dad and brother sitting there. I turned back seeing Sweets still holding all of the presents, I sat on the recliner as the three boys were on the couch opening some presents. I handed Sweets a box, nodding for him to open it. He opened the box to see a new dog tag. I had a dog tag made with the date that everything started several years back. He smiled at me, as I smiled back. Jughead opened a giant present seeing a typewriter.

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