Retrieve the Knife.

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             Jughead enters the bar walking toward the pool tables, looking for someone specific. Sweet Pea was making a shot when he finally spotted him.

"I think this Northsider is lost." Sweet said standing straight up

"I'm not." Jughead said walking toward the table

Sweet Pea and Tall boy looked away from the Jones boy.

"I'm over being half a Serpent." Jughead said

"Wow. You will do anything to protect your Northside buddies." Sweet Pea said bumping Jughead shoulder

Jughead scuffed
"My father was a Serpent, He led you. My sister is Serpent, I want to stand with you guys. Tall Boy was the one that gave me this jacket, It's finally time I start wearing it." Jughead said looking at them

"So now you want to be a serpent, huh?" Tall boy asked

There was the slamming of the door, everyone turned to see the girl of the hour standing there, cigarette in hand. Salem, pale faced, leaning against the stair railing, turning to look at her younger brother.

"If he survives the initiation first." Salem said her voice hoarse

She turned back avoiding people calling her name. Once she made it to her dad's office, she took a seat behind the desk. She exhaled deeply as she sat there looking at the table seeing my glasses lying on top of paperwork still needing to be done. There was a knock, she looked up to see her brother standing in the doorway.

"What can I do for you Forsythe?" She asked placing her glasses on her face

"What the hell happened?" He asked

"There was a fight, Archie came to our side of the tracks and vandalized Lenny's building with his hideous red circle, then he stuck a gun in our faces, we had to make it even. It was going fine, they were civil, fighting it out when that one kid with the glasses pulled out a pocket knife. He was going to stab Fangs in the back. I couldn't let that happen, next thing I know I have a hole in my side and he's running off with his knife." Salem explained

"Why? Why fight?" He asked

"I don't know if you know this, but we have been blamed for anything and everything that has ever happened in this god forsaken town. Sorry, I wanted to crack a couple skulls, causing some chaos." She said

"You are supposed to be leading them, keeping the peace. Doing what dad-" Jughead said

"Well dad isn't here, is he?!" Salem yelled

Jughead stared at his older sister, her face tense.

"I'm not dad. He has been doing this a lot longer than either of us have been alive." She said

"What are you going to do? You're their leader." He asked

"I'm just the placeholder, Jughead." Salem said walking out

They walked out onto the platform outside the office.

"Salem, we shouldn't be fighting them, or causing problems." He said

"Well then run the damn gauntlet and lead them yourself. I don't know what you want from me, Jughead." Salem said

"But Dad said-" Jughead started

"I don't care what dad said, you are the man of the house. You are the next Jones to take over, no matter how much I wanted different for you. You still ended up here, so now Step the fuck up and take the mantle." Salem said slamming the door

Salem stood by the window overlooking the bar, watching Jughead. A light knock echoed before it opened. She looked over to see Sweet Pea shutting the door.

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