She's a good one, Jones.

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            The winter came hard this year, snow fell from the sky in truckloads. I drove my truck from the Wyrm. My father is getting better, he's helping out Andrew with the construction. I walked in from the cold snow seeing dad hang up the phone, I looked at him confused.

"Who was that?" I asked

"Betty Cooper, asking if we wanted to go to a birthday movie and dinner for your brother." Dad explained

"She does know that Jughead hates his birthday right?" I said

"I said that and I was surprised, plus I don't think he wants to see me." Dad said

"You mean he doesn't want to see us." I said

"What?" He asked

"A few weeks back when Jughead helped Betty throw her sister a baby shower, I went to go see him and I overheard him talking to Betty about being ashamed of us. He was hiding the fact we were serpents from all of them." I said picking at my nails

"Oh Salem-." Dad began

"Dad, it's okay. I'm fine." I said getting up

Later that day, I was sitting at Pop's eating the last bit of my lunch as I felt someone sit beside me. I look over to see Betty sitting as close as humanly possible, I raise my eyebrow before turning back to my fries.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, I know you guys don't do birthdays, but Archie and I are having a few of Jughead's friends over at Archie's house and I bet it would mean so much to Jughead to have his older sister come." Betty explained

"You are one stubborn person, Elizabeth Cooper." I said not making eye contact with her

"I got it from my mom." She smiled

I winced thinking back to Alice, there was a moment of silence as I picked at the last bit of my food.

"I really want to do something special for him and you being there with your dad would be special." She said

"Let me guess, you already got my dad to agree." I said finally looking at her

She nodded

"You really like my brother, don't you?" I asked

She looked at her hands, blushing.

"Yeah, yeah I do." She said smiling

"There better be good music." I said

She started clapping and smiling, bringing me in for a hug.

"Woah, slow it down, Queen of England." I said putting my hands up

"I am so sorry." She said

"It's whatever."

The next night Dad and I drove over to the other side of the track for my brother's birthday. We arrived seeing mountains of teenagers at Andrew's home. My father and I looked at each other before taking a deep breath and walked toward the belly of the beast. We entered the home to see even more teens dancing and drinking, I scrunch my face in disgust seeing horny teens grinding on one another before walking with my dad toward the kitchen. I didn't see Jughead anywhere knowing the only place he could be, the garage. Dad and I walked out back entering the garage seeing Jughead and Archie sitting, talking.

"Dad, Salem. Hey." Jughead said jumping up

"Happy birthday, Jughead." Dad said tapping the presents

"Happy Birthday, Juggie." I smiled

"How are you, Mr. Jones?" Archie asked

"Happy to be here, celebrating with my kids." He said

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